Friday, March 7, 2025

The Perfect Cheerleader, Cheerleaders in Trouble

Cheerleaders! Their big...smiles!  Their bare midriffs!  High leg kicks (and what legs)! They're perky and always in great moods.  The team may stink...but the cheerleaders are always happy and seemingly so willing to throw their allure and sex appeal at any situation.  But wait!  In this overly sexualized world, they are also in peril. In peril from woke feminists or from men who assume they can have their way with them, any time. The nubile babes with the smiles and tight costumes may be in for humiliation or worse.  Hence our feature today, 2019's "The Perfect Cheerleader" (aka "The Cheerleader Escort"), directed by Alexandrie Carriare.

Cassie (Alexandra Beaton) is a sultry freshman coed at Tate Riley University. Right away, an upper-class coed, Gabby (Joelle Farrow) convinces her to try out for the cheer/dance team. Hesitantly, Cassie agrees and makes the squad. She fits right in.  Cheerleader coach, Stephanie (Carolyne Maraghi) is happy to have her and so are the other girls. Uh oh...poor Cassie...she will realize reality way too late. The cheer squad is an escort service, shall we say.  More accurately, the squad is an expensive hooker ring. Wealthy alumni pay top dollar to have sex with the girls.  Stupid Cassie, she believes 45 year-old Terry ( Damon Runyon) is actually interested in her for her mind and personality. Yep, Cassie will be seduced by the almost middle-aged creep.

Gabby is thrilled...another hooker in the brothel, or escort in Stephanie's high-priced agency. Gabby lured her in but now she herself is in great danger.  Cassie believes Gabby is her friend but when horror and viciousness fell the nubile Gabby, Cassie begins asking questions.  The types of questions that can get a girl maimed and ripped apart.  The clients are all powerful men who do not take no for an answer...and Stephanie makes sure if a girl pulls back, that girl will be "taken care of."  Now Cassie is finding out too much.  Even worse...the nubile Cassie has a plan...a bad plan...the type of plan that can get a girl killed.

Will Cassie's plan actually work, and what is that plan?  Should Cassie shut up and earn her own tuition money rather than burdening the American tax payers to pay for the full tuition of another veterinarian? Are there cheerleader catfights brewing?  This is a light and playful drama that turns dark and horrific for our nubile babes (there's that word again) quickly.  See "The Perfect Cheerleader" and enjoy the drama, gratuitous cheerleader routines, and babes in dark danger...and one of the best cheese factors in motion picture history! 

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