Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Deadly Virtues: Love. Honour. Obey., A Twisted Mess

Sure...I admit it.  Not to turn most of you off immediately, but I will say at first glance we seem to have a film about sadism, torture, and humiliation.  But wait!  Is that what is really going on here?  Just wait...very soon into the movie it becomes apparent something else is going on here.  Whatever this film initially seems, or whatever it evolves (or devolves) into, either way, it is difficult to watch.  If you make it past the first half hour...don't be so quick to judge.  Today we look at 2014's "Deadly Virtues: Love. Honour. Obey." directed by Ate de Jong.

As our film begins, hunk husband Tom (Matt Barber) is applying vicious and kinky marital sex to his hot wife, Alison (Megan Maczko).  Uh oh...Aaron (Edward Akrout), an apparent stranger, invades the bedroom.  He'll knock out Tom and tie him up in the bathtub.  He'll initially tie up Alison.  Then the handsome Aaron begins gruesome torture on the bound Tom.  He'll un-bind Alison and let her know her obedience is necessary to secure Tom's life.  Aaron will then humiliate Alison, but not in the way you might think.  He'll reveal to her the perversion and depravity of her sex-life with her husband. He'll rummage through her closets and nightstand and find kinky sex toys and BDSM and bondage outfits.  Any disobedience by her will result in brutal torture for her husband.

Apparently (and I mean 'apparently'), Aaron's condition to free them both is if Alison has sex with him voluntarily.  Alison is game for pretending if it means freeing her husband and being rid of her tormentor. Then the clues begin cascading as to what is really going on.  A perceptive viewer will catch on...long before Alison does.  Then we detect that maybe Alison is charmed by her tormentor. He really does seem to love her.  Aaron knows things about her marriage that she does not even know...or will admit to herself. The backstory is heartbreaking and what seems to be coming down the pipe will be vicious and depraved.

Will Alison satisfy Aaron and get her husband back whole?  What does Aaron know that Alison should know? Is Alison really falling in love with Aaron?  Depraved and kinky, you may not want to admit you enjoyed this least in mixed company.  See "Deadly Virtues: Love. Honour. Obey." and try not tell anyone you are aroused by what unfolds before you on the silver screen.    

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