Wednesday, September 20, 2023

I Need Me Gold! by B. Harrison Smith, Literature Review

Yeah right...Jennifer Anniston, Jennifer Anniston, Jennifer Anniston!  Fine...I said it. The 1992 movie "Leprechaun" was her first movie, made before she was Jennifer Anniston. Begrudgingly, we must give Telly Savalas' goddaughter credit for helping boost modern day interest in this horror film.  In reality, thanks to B. Harrison Smith, we know "Leprechaun" was much more than that. The legitimately Indie and low-budget film is an anthem to hard work, taking risks, and a most entertaining horror film.  Jennifer Anniston aside, the heroes in Mr. Harrison's tome are guys like Mark Jones, Mark Holton, and Warwick Davis.  An anthem to the little guy...pun gratuitously intended. Today we look at Mr. Smith's book I Need Me Gold! By the way, this book is available on Amazon at this link I NEED ME GOLD   

I am biased, I loved "Leprechaun," and all its sequels...even the one in outer space.  Mr. Smith has to remind us exactly what "Leprechaun" was and why it is so significant.  The 80s were over.  The golden age of slasher horror gave way to the 90s.  The 90s were ushering in video stores, straight to VHS, and cable and the beginning of the end to a medium that would have been more fitting to its release (slasher films in the theater).  "Leprechaun" would have to succeed on its own merits and not the public's expectation for a weekend release of the latest slasher film.  Mark Jones (director) would take a chance and sell his idea.  A hard sell.  A sell to an industry not thirsting for this horror.  He'd have to go toe-to-toe with execs bent on micromanaging his effort, getting rid of him, and exploiting young talent.

Not a nobody, but quite capable, Mr. Jones had a good name in Hollywood...not as a director, though. He'd have to play studio bigwigs against each other, take a lot of risks, sell the film to some very talented stars (Ms. Anniston and Warwick Davis, and Mr. Holton).  Thanks to Mr. Smith, we see how Mr. Jones did that keeping true to his dream, not selling out, and refusing to betray or exploit some fine young actors and actresses.  Ms. Anniston, at the time was merely a sweet nobody, was ripe for exploitation...and Mr. Jones would not have that.  What happened during filming was quite heroic...and a fine horror film that grew into a franchise was born.  Read this book and see a very unlikely story.  The good guys won...a rarity in today's movie industry.  "Leprechaun" may be the feel good story of 1992.

This book is required reading for all you youngsters desiring to make films.  Warning...Mr. Smith (an accomplished moviemaker, himself) might preach something you don't want to hear...hard work.  The luck of the Irish seems a lot more prevalent when you work hard.  Take Mr. Smith's advice...dream away...and work hard. You'll see no one trashed, a rarity in books about film and filmmakers.  Mr. Smith treats everyone with respect and refreshing.  Read I Need Me Gold! today and then go find "Leprechaun" on VHS (okay, fine, DVD).

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