Saturday, December 10, 2022

Underground Monster, Octopus Creature and Recycling

We have one from China today!  This brings to my mind a couple of matters.  U.S. media isn't reporting it but local Taiwanese elections just concluded.  Results?  Fortunately for the Taiwanese, they have no resemblance to Georgia.  The U.S. backed ruling party was annihilated.  The pro-unification party kicked a**.  Next, Big Hollywood and James Cameron release the second "Avatar" movie.  Did anyone want this?  Total garbage.  As China watches the U.S. failures in Afghanistan and cowardice in The Ukraine, Taiwanese are choosing carefully.  So today, in the style of "Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster," we have 2022's "Underground Monster," directed by Huang He (a much better movie maker than James Cameron).

Miners in a mine blow up a wall while constructing a tunnel.  Mistake.  On the other side is a huge octopus creature not wishing to be disturbed.  Half the miners will die horribly, and the other half escape to the surface.  Fleeing miners drop a large rock which is picked up by junk collector Lao (Zang Chun-Zhang) and his cute kid Xiaoje.  Yep...wasn't a rock.  The egg hatches and commanders a car at the junkyard Lao resides, you'll see.  Lao and his dad fight hard and manage to wound the monster.  In doing so, monster blood splashes all over Xiaoje.  Lao's ex, the grouchy but beautiful Linna (Wei Lu) arrives in time to see momma monster rise out of the ground and take Xiaoje.  Another reason for Linna to yell at Lao (you divorced guys know the dynamic).  Quickly on the scene are a weird cryptozoologist and his ditzy assistant.  They've been tracking this monster for quite a while.

Linna pleads with the science team to join them in a rescue operation.  Linna and Lao will join forces to find their son.  The cryptozoologist guy believes that the creature smelled the blood of its offspring on Lao and thinks Xiaoje is its son.  Meanwhile, the surviving miners are plotting to fill the underground cavern with poison gas.  Now Linna, Lao, and their new friends must hurry.  In the mine, Xiaoje and the octopus thing start a sweet relationship.  Uh oh...some tear jerking plot devices come into play as Linna finds out a lot about her ex-husband she never knew.

What we ultimately get is an anthem against littering.  We also get a pro family film...real family.  While Big Hollywood shoves garbage at us, the Chinese give us an anti-garbage film.  I'm sure the Taiwanese voters see the difference of what is coming out of America and what is coming out of the mainland.  For a touching monster movie, suitable for the entire family, with a neat and slimy octopus creature, see "Underground Monster."            

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