Saturday, January 20, 2024

Body Melt, Gross Oz-Sploitation

When the Aussies cross the line...well, we all cheer.  Of late, the Aussies have been too behaved and pretty boring.  In the 90s, they were grossly risqué.  Today's feature has an exploding tally-whacker, ambitious mucus, melting faces, and projectile internal organs...and much more.  Disgusting!  Revolting!  Think of a less artsy-fartsy David Cronenberg effort.  Throw in some Aussie mutant hillbillies, and mutant sex and we have one that you may wish you never put on.  For the curious among you, today we look at 1993's "Body Melt," directed by Philip Brophy.

VemuVille Health Resort is pioneering human health and stamina.  Their scientists are creating vitamins that will enable the body to reach its full potential and heighten libido.  Right!  This will go horribly wrong.  The film opens up with sweaty pre-marital sex.  Current lead scientist, the babe Shaan (Regina Gaigalas) is giving a former resort chemist Ryan (Robert Simper) mad sex.  She also gives him an injection of VimuVille vitamins.  Paul will begin melting and mutating.  Shaan has also seen to it that these vitamins are sent to a new housing development as supplements so she can see their effect on the citizenry.  This won't go well.  Pregnant Cheryl (Linda McCune) will be given some by Dr. Carrera (Ian Smith), who is her OB/GYN and a scientist for VimuVille.  What happens to Cheryl and her unborn baby is so revolting that we won't even mention it here.

After some more people melt and mutate, two cops, Sam (Gerard Kennedy) and Johnno (Andrew Daddo) trace the melting people back to the resort.  In the interim, a family of four arrives there for testing... the family will be enveloped in disgusting bodily rebellion.  Uh oh...there is another former scientist, Pud (Vincent Gil) who now oversees mutant hillbillies.  Dr. Carrera still must consult with him.  What Pud's mutant kids do to some teens is equally revolting...and then what they did to a cute kangaroo...oh, no! Projectile vomit and exploding internal organs will rule the second half of this film.  Shaan will get more ambitious about getting these vitamins out to the general population.  I could go on and on...but you are probably getting the picture.

Will Sam and Johnno reach the resort and stop Shaan from parceling out these vitamins before the entirety of Australia's population melts and explodes?  Metaphorically, has the entire population of Australia already melted and exploded due to their poor choices in national elections?  Has Shaan taken any of these vitamins and will she fall victim to an exploding tally-whacker?  How many times have you ever been asked that last question?  Don't say I didn't warn you.  Fans of body horror may appreciate the hillbilly nature of this Aussie entry.  See "Body Melt" and let this film be a warning against supplements and other stuff new at GNC.

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