Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fear the Creature, Rubber Suited Monster Shreds Hunks and Babes

CGI be damned!  Gimme a film with a toothy rubber-suited monster! Throw in some hunks and babes...passionate pre-marital sex, gore, and a hot monster hunter (Chase Masterson) with tight leather pants on a motorcycle. Do you need to hear more?  Oh...that monster hunter is also a sultry mad scientist. Okay, today we look at 2004's "Fear the Creature" (aka "Creature Unknown"), directed by Michael Burnett.

Four years ago, during prom night, Wes died mysteriously...body never found. There is plenty of drama to that night which we won't go into. Four years later, Wes' twin brother Steve (Chris Hoffman) gets all the friends together for a reunion in a cabin in the wilderness.  Oh, by the way, two babe hikers (Erin Cahill and Laurie Shiers) were just shredded in that same wilderness.  Steve is now bonding with Wes' old GF Amanda (Maggie Grace). Also along are the bitter Rachel (Ella Bowman), who was Wes' GF when Amanda stole him away.  Add in Sean (John Keyser) and Ally (Kristin Herold), who will have passionate pre-marital sex.  Ally will also give us a gratuitous shower scene.  Uh oh...the creature, half reptile half Bigfoot, which shredded the two babe hikers, sets its sight on this group of reunion buddies.

Now, one by one...the thing strikes.  Rachel is shredded.  No surprise here, as Ms. Bowman is way down in the credits.  Uh oh...here comes the babe in leather pants and riding a motorcycle. Kat (Masterson) arrives wielding a shotgun. Her backstory is compelling.  A mad scientist that watched her son die and tried to save him with experimental treatments. It is apparent that Kat has been hunting the creature for some time.  She had built a lab in an old WW2 bunker...where she is obviously still conducting genetic experiments. Kat will feud with the buddies.  Amanda will take an immediate dislike to her...probably because Kat is hot, wears leather pants, and carries a shotgun...all a big draw to any sex-crazed hunk. The creature keeps striking.  Uh oh...we, the viewer start picking up on clues.  Is Steve really Steve, or his dead brother.  Is the monster Kat's son?  Red herrings and twists abound.

Will Kat and Amanda engage in a catfight to the death...in the mud or a tub of Jell-o...okay, forgive me...I withdraw the question.  Is the creature Kat's son?  Will there be a final battle for humanity that takes place in the old bunker?  This is a good one.  The toothy creature is neat, and the rubber suit is so refreshing.  The babe and hunk factor is so good, too.  See "Fear the Creature," and see a nostalgic effort in creature f/x.  

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