When in doubt just go back to an old reliable. In my case, it is an original Syfy film made by our buddies at The Asylum. As a movie making company, when in doubt...make a shark film. In a shark film, when in doubt, put in a helicopter that gets eaten by a shark....Thank you "Jaws 2" for that trope. Today we will look at an old reliable type of work, 2016's "Ice Sharks," directed by Emile Edwin Smith. Yep, made for Syfy by The Asylum.
An Eskimo with a dog sled is hunting on a pack of Arctic ice. Sadly, he gets on thin ice near the edge and a big shark eats his dogs and him. Happens. Greenland shark...very nasty. Nearby an Arctic research station is on the ice doing experiments. Apparently the waters are warming making the ice thinner. Tracy (Jenna Parker) and David (Edward DeRuiter) are scientists/lovers. Everyone else in the scientific team is ...shark bait. The team will get a whiff of what's going on when Sammy goes out on a skimobile to check sensors...sort of the fuse boxes of the Arctic. He's eaten. Then David and Tracy go out on skimobiles to check on a missing Eskimo...they are almost eaten but make it back. Here's one for you...did you know Greenland sharks smell really bad?
Now the thin ice around the station has the sharks circling. Val (Mia Danelle), a hot Asian scientist who comes up with some really bad ideas, will be eaten. We liked her. She did not whine and go and on about stuff no one cares about. This blog is partial to hot Asian babes, but Ms. Danelle was sixth in the credits which foreshadows an awful death. Okay, the sharks pull the station off the ice and now the team, the ever decreasing team, is 100 feet below the surface of the Arctic Ocean. The sharks are getting aggressive and slamming into the sunken facility. Wait! An icebreaker has heard their distress calls and is bringing fresh meat and a helicopter to the site of the sunk base.
Is the fate of this research station a foreshadowing of the fate of the idiotic so-called Global Warming science? Is Val's fate a gratuitous slant against the intelligence of Asians who some see as displacing marginalized communities in the U.S.? Will Tracy and David survive or will their plight mean the end of every single sailor on the icebreaker above? For Syfy and The Asylum films, this is a good one. It has some nice gore, a hot Asian babe, and a lot of smelly sharks. See "Ice Sharks" and think twice if you want to buy into this "Climate Change" nonsense.
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