The Yugoslavian Bombshell! Yes...the one and only Tania Velia! She'll dance...she'll love...she'll skinny dip...she'll be imperiled by a maniacal island narcotics lord. One wonders if a modern day renaissance of Tania Velia will inspire central Europeans to put Yugoslavia back together. As Russia conquers The Ukraine, and NATO and the U.S. military cower under their bunks, is this the opportunity the old Yugoslavia was waiting for? Tania Velia! A face that could launch a thousand ships...and a body that can call them all back! Today we look at 1960's "The Fiend of Dope Island," directed by Nate Watt.
Charlie (Bruce Bennett) is a crime lord that rules a small Caribbean island with a whip and a gun. He has enslaved the peaceful islanders to work in his marijuana fields. He then supplies the weed to international buyers. David (Robert Bray) is the handsome field boss who often conflicts with Charlie. Charlie has hired a dancing gal to come to the saloon he runs. Glory La Verne (Velia) believes she has accepted a job in the Caribbean in which she will entertain a lot of international businessmen. In reality, Charlie has brought her to the island to entertain only him and serve as his love toy. The two clash right away. Only David's chivalry and heroism prevent her from being whipped by Charlie. Still...Charlie does find opportunity to violate her and force her to dance provocatively for him.
Charlie continues to whip islanders, sell his crops, and molest Glory. Now David has had enough. He has fallen in love with Glory...and she him. Glory has also won the hearts of all the islanders with her kindness and beauty. Now it is time for an island rebellion. Charlie has the whip and a rifle...the islanders have spunk and Glory's affection. Glory will skinny dip and entangle herself with David in the surf. Charlie will use this distraction and make his own move on the rebellious forces.
Will an island, inspired by beauty and exotic dancing, find the courage to free themselves from a drug lord with a whip? Will Glory ever get hold of the whip and change her act to one of...actually, never mind...this question was going to be prurient in nature. Will Glory start a movement in central Europe that will see the reunification of Yugoslavia? The geo-political ramifications of this film could be great if it gets a wide release here in 2024 or 2025. See "The Fiend of Dope Island," and grab your AK-47, fly to central Europe...and fight for The Yugoslavian Bombshell!