Thursday, May 23, 2024

Back Road, Disgusting to the Max!

What do you get when you cross "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with "A Serbian Film"?  Right!  You get 2021's "Back Road" directed by Andrew Pizzo. In the two aforementioned horror films, experienced horror fans realized that much of the gore and scares were from scenes that were highly suggestive. When Franklin was chainsawed in the wheelchair, or when the doctor delivered the baby...there was no blood...or no rape on camera. In our film today...nothing is suggested.  Hence halfway through this cabin in the woods story, what happens to the pretty Leslie (Amanda Livezey) is all captured.  In fact, it may be the most disgusting scene ever put on film.  Unlike the two aforementioned films, Mr. Pizzo's film is indeed a morality tale.

So what happened to Leslie the slut halfway into this film. No spoilers here...see for yourself.  The nubile Madeline (Rachel Keefe) is taking her sometimes lover and sultry best friend Zoe (Megan McGullam) to a remote cabin in the woods.  Unbeknownst to Madeline, Zoe has invited her former boyfriend Fox (Erik Searle), Fox's new GF Leslie, and the hunk Dwayne (Jason Maga).  Fox will bring a lot of cocaine for the group. Madeline is not happy about Fox but is hot on Dwayne and seeks pre-marital sex with the hunk. Zoe probably seeks pre-marital; sex with everyone in the group, and also to sniff a lot of "blow." Uh oh, the great looking quintet runs over a little boy on a back road in some hillbilly haven. Thinking no one saw them, they do away with the body and continue to the cabin. 

Once at the cabin, the friends bicker.  They are guilt-ridden because of their killing of a little boy. There will be no time for grief.  Leslie, disgusted by the behavior of Fox and friends, runs away. She'll be immediately captured by half-wit hillbillies and...well, you won't believe what they do to her.  Now the hillbillies led by the sadistic father of the dead boy, Charlie (Bryan DeSanto), hunt the hunks and babes.  Oh, what they have planned for the babes is so will make you squirm.  The beautiful will suffer unimaginably and the hunks will be useless.  What unfolds will be very reminiscent of the Tobe Hooper plot in the 1974 classic, although this last half of the film will have the brutal judgment of vengeance and revenge forming a twisted and bloody morality message.

Will the clean-cut Madeline have what it takes to be a final girl in this film?  Just what does happen to Leslie and will she be so fortunate as to be given a quick death by Mr. Pizzo?  Did I even mention the skanks in the tent doing a threesome with a camper before biting his John Thomas off?  I guess I forgot to mention that scene.  If you are at all curious, see "Back Road."   

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