Sunday, August 25, 2024

Victor Crowley, He Always Returns

The "Hatchet" films, I believe there were three, were terrific. Babes, hunks, extreme gore, and a seemingly invincible slasher...what a great recipe.  The franchise seemingly ended in 2013, but these franchises never end.  With some nice cameos by Danielle Harris and Tony Todd...and the return of Kane Hodder as the fiend, a fourth one was made.  Today we look at 2017's "Victor Crowley," directed by Adam Green.  The babe, hunk, and gore factor all return.

Andrew (Parry Shen) has been capitalizing on his survivor fame for the past ten years.  He is humiliated on a talk show hosted by his ex, Sabrina (Krystal Joy Brown).  Needing cash, Andrew is convinced by his publicist, Kathleen (Felissa Rose) to do an interview at the Louisiana swamp that hosted all those murders. The private jet he is on crashes in the swamp as voodoo incantations bring back Victor (Hodder).  Also just happening to be at the swamp, as moviemakers, are babe director Chloe (Katie Booth), her male lead Alex (Chase Williamson), and the spunky make-up babe Rose (Laura Ortiz).  They will be joined by Victor Crowley gift show proprietor Dillon (Dave Sheridan) who will star in the film.  With a plane down, and the babe Casey (Tiffany Shepis) drowning in it, Victor appears.  

What happens next is so sad...and fun. Victor trims down the movie cast and crew but Rose runs away in time and joins the plane crash survivors.  Dillon has a boat and makes it to the crash site to find survivors which include Andrew, Kathleen, Casey, Sabrina and so many others.  One by one, Victor picks them off in extremely gory fashion.  The howling fiend seems unstoppable.  We cheer for Rose, as we like her the best and pray she will be the final girl.  Final girl? Remember Danielle Harris from the other films? Yep, you'll see her in this one, too. Sadly, but predictably, the cheesecake and beefcake will die horribly... or at least most of them.

Gory to the max!  A large body count!  A sandblaster!  A hatchet! Love in the swamp!  Will Rose emerge as another Danielle Harris final girl type character?  Will Andrew keep surviving these encounters with Victor?  Even though its been seven years, can we expect to see a fifth "Hatchet" film?  For some great gore, very attractive characters, a good dose of comedy, and some hall-of-fame type slasher film stars, see "Victor Crowley."     

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