Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Bittertooth, Podcasters and Serial Killers

Let me vent. You go to Costco. Guy in front of you in line, looks normal. He's not. He's a total psycho. Gal behind you in same line, looks normal. She's not...she's psycho! Okay, good segue into our film today. When two podcaster babes delve into the sub-genre of true crime, they will get a little too close to an actual serial killer. But wait! Don't we all go a little psycho sometimes?  Should we be quick to judge those we call psychos? Don't serial killers have worth?  Aren't we all just one traumatic event from being one ourselves? Let us be inclusive of the psycho-community as we look at a 2023's Monte Light film, "Bittertooth."

Only Fans model Ivy (Autumn Ivy) teams up with hot Asian babe Mia (Genevieve Thomas, aka Autumn Lee) to chronicle the most infamous serial killers in their true crime podcast. Both are "survivors," and have prevailed through horrible crimes. Meanwhile, serial killer David Lee Dawes (Joe Altieri) murders his latest babe victim (Michaela Ivey) on his farm. Uh oh for David, our two babe podcasters decide to pry into the murders committed by him. The cops label the murderer the Bittertooth killer. Guess what!  Ivy is boinking David Lee's son, Flint (Justin Michael Terry). Flint? Hunk! Seemingly sane, but who in our lives is really sane? Okay, editorial comment...disregard! Flint plots with Ivy to hand his dad over to them.  Catching and proving David as a serial killer would be big for likes, views, and sponsorships. Uh oh again, the woke biases of Mia and Ivy may serve to skew their semi-good judgment...you'll see.

We get a good look at Mia's history...or so we think.  We get a good look at Ivy's history...or so we think. Twists will abound and Monte Light will take you on a horrific ride where nothing is as it seemed. Fear not...there will be gore.  There will be murder.  There will be a chainsaw. There will also be a final confrontation though it may surprise you who it is between.  Ivy and Mia will place themselves in great danger as David Lee is quite the experienced serial killer.  Everything else in this film will have to settle around that. 

Will pretty and vulnerable Mia stand a chance against the brutality of the situation Ivy has got her into? Are Ivy's ambitions for this fledgling podcast going to serve as her downfall as the subject matter comes knocking on her door?  Here's the big question...just who are the psychos in this film? Surprising, shocking, and brutal, see "Bittertooth" and be prepared to scream "OMG!" BTW...kudos to Joe Altieri for his fine rendition of one of my favorite hymns toward the end of this film!

1 comment:

  1. Saw this on Mometu for free. The chainsaw scene at the end is wild!
