Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fright, Susan George in Great Peril

Is there anyone sexier with crooked teeth than Susan George? The sultry English actress is a master at playing the damsel in great distress. Today we look at one of these films, though we have looked at several before on this blog. She'll spend the entire film in a slightly tight knit miniskirt dress with some nice shiny black go-go boots. This is the way we want Susan George. To no one's surprise many in this film will try to rip this get-up off of her. To the fairness of the guys in this film, she won't always mind. Our feature today is the 1971 thriller "Fright," directed by Peter Collinson.

Sultry Amanda (George), a university student, is hired by Helen (Honor Blackman) to babysit her toddler son (Tara Collinson). Helen is going out with someone we believe to be her husband, Jim (George Cole). Jim is excited about going out with the beautiful Helen but Helen is apprehensive about leaving her son. Her cavernous old home is isolated and miles from the nearest neighbor. Oh! Jim?  Not Helen's husband. At least not yet. Brian (Ian Bannen) is Helen's husband, or was.  The divorce just went through. Brian is criminally insane and is locked up in an asylum because he tried to murder Helen.  That is...he was locked up before his daring escape. Now he is heading back to the house as Jim and Helen do not know of the escape. Also not knowing of the escape is Chris (Dennis Waterman).  See...Amanda is charming but also a naughty minx.

Chris, to Amanda's apparent annoyance, shows up at the house. Amanda is not really annoyed and soon allows Chris to gratuitously paw and grope her. Unfortunately for Chris, Brian arrives.  Now Chris resembles a hairy blob of strawberry ice cream and Brian believes Amanda is Helen. This won't bode well for Amanda.  He'll do all sorts of awful and dirty things to her. She'll run around in that get-up she's in, though by the time Brian gets through with her it will practically be falling off of her. She'll scream, try to protect the toddler, and then try to use psychology to fool Brian.  Brian gets more and more insane the longer he is with Amanda.  Helen and Jim? They'll be back...you'll see. Ian Bannen is so terrific as the psycho...and alas, he will do all sorts of awful things to pretty Amanda. I guess I already said that...still...

Will Amanda be able to protect Helen's toddler from the madman that has invaded the house? Was intimacy with the nubile but slutty Amanda worth the bloody pummeling for Chris? Will Brian ever be able to be reasoned with or is he just too far gone? Susan George is incredibly sexy in this film and any fan of hers must put "Fright" on their must see list.

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