Saturday, August 17, 2024

Homecoming Massacre, A Squirm Inducing Family Massacre Tale

We have an uncomfortable one today.  Every character in this slasher film will make you squirm. This won't be an easy one to watch and there won't be much love for it.  Still, it has gore, the taboo, and a hot Asian chick with nothing to do with the plot served up on a buffet of carnage. So come on down from your emotional high and read this review of 2020's "Homecoming Massacre," directed by Kenny White.

Jonathan (Derek Wynn) is a homicidal psycho.  His psychiatrist (Jeff Angel) does not agree. This shrink is almost as wrong and incompetent as Dr. Fauci. See, 10 years ago, Jonathan butchered his mom's (Angela Denton) boyfriend (Dave Charles). He had it coming. The goon was raping her. Then, still on his sugar high, Jonathan butchered his mom. He did not just butcher his mom. He carved her face off, raped the corpse, and ate her. Yeah...this kid can be rehabilitated.  Idiot aunt, Mary (Cindy Maples) thinks Jonathan is cured of his insanity 10 years after the crime. Now she, with no support from anyone else in her family, adopts Jonathan and has him come live with them. Is Jonathan still insane? Is he still homicidal? YES!!!

Jonathan looks even more insane than Anthony Perkins did in the last scene of "Psycho." At risk are the family members.  The skank teenage daughter, Kathryn (Amanda Winston), and the idiot teenage brother Corey (Brandon Benz).  The dad Stephen (Paul Nicely) never wanted this new addition to the family.  Then the friends of the kids including Corey's skank girlfriend Pam (Lisa Kwon) will be thrown into the mix. Snaps?  No, Jonathan does not snap...he just fulfills his job description. Psycho slashers do what psycho slashers do!  What unfolds over the final 30 minutes will not be easy to watch.  Look for twists or reasons to feel relieved or better about the human'll be searching in vain.

Will anyone survive the oncoming massacre that will befall Jonathan's new family?  Is Mary a bigger psycho than Jonathan for believing the Fauci-style shrink in this film? Is the gratuitous nudity of the female characters in this film something that will make us feel better about what we see unfolding before our very eyes?  This will be a tough watch and not the feel good film of 2020.  Given what a downer year 2020 was, this movie is more uplifting than watching Fauci yap on TV everyday.  See "Homecoming Massacre" and feel extremely dirty.

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