Monday, September 30, 2024

Storm Warning, Aussie Hillbillies and Yuppies

From Australia, we have one that will make you squirm. So, what do you call hillbillies in Australia? Never mind.  When two yuppies get lost and end up at the mercy to these fiends, well, it'll be worse than when New Yorkers get lost in West Virginia.  Making the wrong turn down under can be horrific as this film shows.  Today we look at 2007's boobie-trap fest, "Storm Warning," directed by Jamie Blanks.

She's sultry and speaks French. Pia (Nadia Fares)! She's an artist and quite cultured. Her boyfriend is a less impressive dolt, Rob (Robert Taylor), a hack lawyer. They will go boating but the dolt gets them lost. As a storm settles in, Rob pulls into an island and the yuppies go on foot to try to find help. They stumble across a marijuana farm run by three hillbillies.  Jimmy (David Lyons), the half-wit Brett (Mathew Wilkinson), and Poppy (John Brumpton). Poppy is asleep at first and the fiends paw poor Nadia and desire sex with her. Rob gets territorial and the hillbillies clobber him. You won't believe the awful things the trio will make Nadia do in order for them not to murder her husband.  Sensing she will be raped by these smelly creatures, Nadia prepares. Her mantra is " get a mad dog, you must think like a mad dog...only madder."  Originally a Rudyard Kipling quote, but it serves well here.

The fiends get drunker by the minute and now Poppy wakes up.  The yuppies are locked in the barn but Poppy has his boys fetch her.  The sultry Nadia has noticed a ,lot of hooks, fishing line, bladed instruments, and pullies.  Oh, what a gal can do with the proper accessories.  Then there are a few more accessories she notices...the types only a gal can use.  Now the fiends have gone and done it.  They got a woman upset.  Nadia is more than upset.  She' tally-whacker will be safe now. The last half hour of this film will be difficult for you guys to watch.  You gals?  Well, you'll be cheering. Enough said.

Will Nadia get her and the injured Rob out of their perilous predicament?  Whatever Nadia does to these three guys, has she ever done it before, or will she ever do it again?  Will Rob reassess his love for Nadia after he sees the way she treats a...actually, never mind this question.  This is a vicious one but one you will love.  For a wincing good time, have a Fosters and see "Storm Warning."   

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