Saturday, September 14, 2024

Megalodon: The Frenzy, Sharks Eat the Navy

This is a sequel! Do you have to see the original to understand what goes on in this one? Heavens no, just read the 1880 Guy de Maupassant novel.  Do yourself a favor and read it in the original French. Just know in the first one, a big shark eats a lot of the U.S. Navy.  In the this one, the big fish goes through the U.S. Navy like the Yemeni Houthis do.  I also need to say it is wonderful to see Eric Roberts and Caroline Williams.  Our feature today, from The Asylum, is 2023's "Megalodon: The Frenzy," directed by Brendan Petrizzo.

A bunch of megalodons (big sharks) are eating along the California and Mexican coasts.  Eating? Yep, the U.S. Navy, surfers, babes walking on the beach, luxury yachts, and submarines. These things are getting to be 200 feet in length. Captain Sharp (Roberts) commanding the USS King is trying to destroy them.  His marines are getting eaten as the fish flies up and lands on the warship's deck.  Near Hawaii, Dr. Clark (Williams) is harnessing energy from a volcano.  A big breasted Ph.D. candidate, Kristy (Jessica Chancellor) arrives to help out.  Clark is her idol.  Other than her great, she will be of no use to Clark's team and research other than screwing up.  We still like her because of! The sharks begin attacking her undersea research laboratory and now they are able to capture one. 

More U.S. Navy ships get eaten...maybe the sharks are Yemeni. Dr. Clark has a plan.  As The USS King is running away, Clark calls them with her hair-brained idea.  Cpt. Sharp agrees to it and now turns his boat around to meet her in Hawaii.  He'll be of no help, just like a modern day U.S. Navy carrier group in the Mediterranean.  Kristy does what Kristy does best...well, maybe the thing she does second best...she screws up!  Now Williams has to cover for her.  Cpt. Sharp and the USS King do what the U.S. Navy does best...screw up.  Now the Houthis had closed down the Gulf and the sharks eat Mexico.  Still, Dr. Clark has spunk and damn if she will let some stupid skank scientist ruin all she has ever worked for.

Will the incompetent but nubile Kristy have a gratuitous shower scene in this film?  Will Cpt. Sharp have a Captain Ahab moment?  Will Dr. Clark beat the living snot out of the incompetent Kristy?  Fans of films from The Asylum will love this one.  Fans of Eric Roberts and Caroline Williams will love this one.  Fans of the Stanley Kubrick film "Paths of Glory" will love this film.  So go read the Guy de Maupassant novel, and watch "Megalodon: The Frenzy."


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