Sunday, September 8, 2024

Killer Kate! Babes vs. Psychos

If you like a dry wit with your brutal horror, we have one for you today! This one has a terrific cheese factor as nubile blonde sisters are forced to go all-psycho against a family of psychos.  Even better, one of the deranged psychos is Tiffany Shepis.  This terrific actress has never turned in a subpar performance.  She'll have many weapons in this one and look good using them.  Our feature today is 2018's "Killer Kate!" directed by Elliot Feld.

Kate (Alexandra Feld) is an office worker with a dull life.  She's thinking about dating but first gets forced to attend her sister Angie's (Danielle Burgess) bachelorette weekend party.  Right!  The weekend will take place at an out of the way cabin in the wilderness with no cell reception.  Also coming into play is the psycho family that owns the B&B cabin. The patriarch is Briskman (Robert Donovan) and his deranged kids include Christine (Shepis), Jimmy (Grant Lyon), and Terry (Brandon Bales).  There is one of two more.  Now a quartet arrives, the blonde sisters with the grouchy but sultry redhead Mel (Abby Eiland) and Sara (Amaris Davidson).  As the girls get the party underway, bickering ensues.  Kate and Angie are estranged and have not seen one another in five years.

Then the family converges.  The psychos have a plan.  They have poisoned all the champagne and when the girls drink it, they will keel over dying.  When this happens, they will invade the house with blunt objects and bludgeon the lovelies to death.  Psychos aren't necessarily smart, and this family is not.  Of course, not all goes according to plan and now a war ensues.  The four lovelies versus the psychos.  Christine seems the smartest, but even she is too impulsive.  Kate emerges as quite the deranged killer herself determined to keep her sister alive for the wedding. Impalements, bludgeoning, hedge clippers, and firearms join the cast.

Will Kate and Angie bury the hatchet?  Will Christine prevail and gut the blondes and their friends?  Exactly why is this family doing what they do?  Bloody, a bit humorous, and unforgiving, "Killer Kate!" is a film that will serve well as a Friday night movie night feature.   

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