Monday, September 2, 2024

Deep Sea Mutant Snake, Hot Chinese Babes in Snake-Peril

Hot Chinese babes in bikinis or evening gowns being eaten by snakes! No, not figuratively. Okay, so this is what we have in the first five minutes of this film. One Chinese henchwoman/ bodyguard/ assassin/ monster-killer in tight leather shorts and shiny black boots, and her partner, another hot Chinese henchwoman/bodyguard/assassin/monster-killer in stilettos and a slinky evening gown battling monster snakes...millions of them. The babes are skilled at murder and martial arts and have guns and knives.  Alas, they will put up a heroic effort before being conquered by the king, not figuratively, get your mind out of the gutter.  Today we look at 2022's "Deep Sea Mutant Snake," directed by Wu Yang.  Oh, yes, this one is from China.  Did I mention the two babe henchwomen?  I did?  Good.

Ren Junyi's (Waise Lee) evil corporation is making a cure for a deadly disease he has. To do this the billionaire pharmaceutical CEO has an island where experiments on snakes is occurring.  The experiments get out of hand and millions of monster snakes murder everyone on the island, including Junyi's two babe henchwomen.  So sad. Now hunk Qin (Yisin Zhao) is headed to the island to gather evidence of what this evil corporation has done. His fiancĂ© was murdered by them, she was an investigative reporter. He teams up with the sultry Feng Li (Jiayi Lee) who is the new investigative reporter on the story. They are on a Carnival cruise ship that gets too close to the island and now is invaded by millions of monster snakes. So sad, many Chinese bikini babes will die horribly...and so will their boyfriends and sugar daddies. Now Qin and Feng, with a few survivors including the babe Su Ji (Yanxi Jiang) battle millions of snakes on the ship.

Qin will blow up the cruise ship and the castaways make it to a nearby island. Right!  The island where it all began. Immediately they will all battle monsters. Barnacle monsters, spiders as big as skyscrapers, and massive monster snakes. Feng Li and Qin lead the castaways to the ruins of the pharmaceutical lab where the outbreak began.  The duo are looking for proof so the entire corporation can be prosecuted.  They'll have to battle monster snakes on the way. The duo will also fall in love.  Special mention for Su Ji...she'll convert from a sultry party babe on the cruise ship to a top-notch commando babe on the island. That's a woman!

Will Feng Li be introduced to Qin's snake before the end of the film?  I apologize for putting that question the way I did.  Will the monster snakes allow our team of castaways to get off the island alive?  Does Qin have a plan to destroy the creatures after finding the evidence he seeks?  The Asian cheesecake factor is at a maximum in this film. For a great monster movie with an extreme slither factor, see the Chinese film "Deep Sea Mutant Snake."   

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