Thursday, July 20, 2023

Cabal, The Super Elite Dissect Nubile Babes

So why do nubile babes, clad in bikinis or or nothing at all, die so horribly in horror films? This is not a rhetorical question. The answer might be posed to Klaus Schwab, Warren Buffett, or the Clintons. The dozen or so blokes who actually run the world have an agenda and we are just their lab rats. After learning all about Jeffrey Epstein, party coordinator for the super-rich, we know what the uber billionaires think of us. 35 minutes into this Rene Perez film, we get a good explanation to the aforementioned question. Hence 2020's "Cabal."
Dragonfly (John Ozuna) is a super secret assassin working for an elite cabal (think George Soros). He kills without asking questions. This won't last. Elizabeth (Eva Hamilton) is his handler. First Elizabeth figures it out...the elites are actually evil murdering the masses. Parallel plot: Sollis (Tony Jackson), an axe-man clad in a mask made of human skin is hunting nubile babes in the wilderness. Most are models in bikinis lured into the forest by this elite organization. Sollis finds them and disembowels them. The nubile babes' remains are sent to a weird clinic so their organs can be harvested and given to old rich broads. Elizabeth knows Dragonfly is one of the 'good guys' and convinces him to invade the forest and kill Sollis.
Dragonfly will have no trouble finding Sollis as beset babes litter the wooded paths. Meanwhile we get to meet these elitists...and the conversations they have are right out of the playbooks of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the Clintons, and Warren Buffett. By praising deviance, and making women insane, these devils will control society, harvest their organs, and live forever. Now Dragonfly is hunting Sollis as Sollis hunts him. Oh yes, the elite commando squad is also hunting him...and Elizabeth, the babe on the sideline is put in mortal danger herself.
Will Sollis ever be turned loose on his wealthy employers? Will the nubile Elizabeth fall victim to the devious plot she is trying to stop? Will Dragonfly's assassination techniques be successful against Sollis and his bosses? This is an extreme horror film of the torment the 99% is beset with by the upper one percent. For some neat social commentary with gore and nubile babes in much peril, see "Cabal."

1 comment:

  1. You got me I want watch "Cabal" for sure! Lovely Eve Hamilton is a FB friend reason enough plus intriguing subplots! Thank you for the recommendation Christopher.
