Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Blood Covered Chocolate, Erotic and Bloody

Erotic! Oh yes!  You who know of Christine Nguyen realize why. Her performances are saturated with eroticism.  This eroticism takes the shapes of some unusual positions, sucking a lot of face, pre-marital and kinky sex, and an allure that is part of her DNA.  Not a fan of horror films, Ms. Nguyen has made some.  The one we will focus on today is an erotic vampire tale.  She'll be naked a lot and in the throes of passionate pre-marital sex.  Unfortunately for her character, she may be on the buffet line for some twisted blood suckers.  Our film today is 2022's "Blood Covered Chocolate," directed by Monte Light. 

So adorable...two vulnerable beings in love.  Tien (Nguyen) and Massimo (Michael Klug) are both recovering alcoholics and madly in love. They will show us some pre-marital sex until... Yep something happens. A dinner at Massimo's mother's (Debra Lamb) home does not go well. Massimo's stepdad, Crate (Joe Altieri) does not like Tien. Crate has a hold on Massimo and is trying to make him an enforcer/courier for his organized crime racket. Massimo's night will get worse when he's bitten by an apparent demon/vampire (Jamie Tran). Now Massimo begins changing into a vampire. To ease the transition, a sultry seductress/vampire, Sofia (Meghan Deanna Kingsley) moves in. She will provide him with sex and punishment.  Eventually she will teach Massimo everything he needs to know about becoming a vampire.

Sofia is a jealous sort and ends Massimo's relationship with Tien. Tien is sad but determined to find out why Masimo will have nothing to do with her. Slowly Massimo becomes one of those toothy fiends. He'll eventually kill and feed on other humans. Uh oh...Tien is going to push the issue and Massimo is getting hungrier.  Even worse for everyone in this film...alive and undead...Massimo is becoming quite the vicious monster.  His humanity seems to have left his body...and now...well, you'll see.  Oh, Tien is indeed on the way over for a heart to heart...Massimo waits eagerly.

Will Tien be able to draw on what's left of Massimo's humanity and survive to the end credits?  Is becoming a vampire the only fate left for the lovely Tien?  Just how vicious has Massimo become and what does this mean for the other vampires in his life? Bloody and erotic, Ms. Nguyen gives us the performance we expect from her, which makes this film a must see.  See "Blood Covered Chocolate" and have a Christine Nguyen film binge watch party some Friday night.   

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