Thursday, March 31, 2022

Psycho Ape!, Gorilla and Bikini Babe Run Amok

I know the movie isn't 'per se' about a nubile bikini babe traipsing through existence and time...but I do have to admire that plot device. Sure 2020's "Psycho Ape!" (directed by Addison Binek), is a keen homage to early 1970s grindhouse-drive-in exploitation films, but it is also a tour through some of the most critically acclaimed films of the past 90 years. Of course, did I mention the yellow haired, nubile bikini babe frolicking and dancing throughout? I did? Well, it was just such a refreshing cinematic device that one hopes many other film-makers will follow that lead.

In a homage to the classic "Slumber Party Massacre," our film begins. An ape (Stephen Albers) escapes from a Detroit zoo and the nubile teens at a slumber party are slaughtered by a banana wielding fiend. All except our bikini babe, Nancy Banana (Kansas Bowling). "Halloween" homages will cascade as an animal psychiatrist is called to the murder scene, Dr. ZOOmis (Bill Weeden) is an expert on the homicidal ape and recommended he never be let loose. The killing spree continues as Nancy goes into obscurity. Decades pass and Nancy, our bikini babe remains nubile and frolicking. The ape disembowels and impales with his deadly bananas. ZOOmis stays on his trail as it becomes apparent that the fiend seeks his true love, the only survivor of the slumber party massacre, Nancy...our frolicking nubile bikini babe.

A jaunt through Americana ensues as our ape continues murdering innocuous representations of an increasingly empty and egotistical America. Self importance and irrelevance seem to be the targets of the monster ape, in the form of innocent victims. Sure, we cheer for the disembowelment and impalement of most of these victims, but our fiend gets closer to our nubile frolicking bikini babe. The bikini babe? We don't want her taken apart. Psycho Ape barely eludes his nemesis, ZOOmis, but his decades long rampage seems to be drawing to an end. The purity and nubile-ness of Nancy almost suggests the purity and carnal honesty of the early 1970s sexploitation drive-in cinema. The gore will continue to the very end and the sexual explosiveness of our bikini babe will accompany it.

Will Psycho Ape find his lost love, Nancy? Will ZOOmis get to our ape before that happens? What will 2020 America do to Psycho Ape if he is captured? Nubile blonde babes escorting us through films is a plot device that Addison Binek masters. Kansas Bowling plays this 'guide' well, and will bring a big smile to your face. Forget the "King Kong" remakes and rip-offs, see  "Psycho Ape!"


  1. I own this on DVD but it requires so much effort for me to watch a DVD these days.

  2. You misspelled actor Bill Weeden's name. It's Weeden, not Weeded.
