Tuesday, June 4, 2024

White Pongo, Gorilla Loves Blonde

The blonde? She's sultry.  She is Maris Wrixon. She is blonde, slender, smokes cigarettes with allure, and leads with seduction. When in doubt, she'll shed her safari duds and boots for an evening gown and stilettos. Today's woke crowd would cancel her.  Unlike today's so-called actresses, Ms. Wrixon is a true dame...and a babe. Even Fay Wray wasn't dame enough to smoke a Virginia Slim or wear a sequins evening gown in the jungle.  Today we look at a 1945 film "White Pongo," directed by Sam Newfield.

Okay, a white gorilla prowls the jungles of Africa, never seen by white men. Then, an explorer suffering from jungle fever makes it to civilization with a diary chronicling the discovery of this beast, thought to be the missing link. Sir Harry (Gordon Richards), and his daughter Pamela (Wrixon) converge. They hire Peter (Lionel Royce) to take them into the jungle and find the supposed missing link.  These jungle excursions will be dangerous and Pamela is insistent that one of the guards, Bishop (Richard Fraser) be her personal guard. This ticks off Sir Harry's personal secretary, Clive (Michael Dyne). Clive loves Pamela but is a milquetoast loser. Bishop is a real man. Into the jungle thy go. Pamela tries to seduce Bishop but he is all business.  He is also a man and eventually, with the help of the evening gown, will succeed.

The white gorilla spots the expedition before they spot it. The creature focuses on Pamela and wants her.  Who wouldn't?  Now some of the expedition reveal ulterior motives and and abscond with Pamela in order to find a gold mine. In danger, Pamela does not know the white gorilla is following.  The white gorilla does not like white men but loves blonde babes. Meanwhile, Bishop has a few surprises and takes Sir Harry further into the jungle to rescue Pamela.  The gorilla will get there first.  Yep...Pamela and the gorilla will share time together, but just how far will they go. Oh yes, did I mention the African guide? His name is...Mumbo Jumbo (Joel Fluellen). Can you imagine this portrayal in 2024?  I love it!  Oh, the great western actor Ray Corrigan plays the beast. Cultural appropriation, anyone?

Just how far will the white gorilla go with his babe captive?  Will Pamela be assaulted and stripped just like Fay Wray or Jessica Lange were in those "King Kong" films? Will Bishop get to Pamela before she is...well, you know what I mean.  Sick of woke and Political Correctness?  Enjoy "White Pongo" and enjoy a slender blonde who smokes and seduces and an African guide named Mumbo Jumbo. 

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