"Halloween 3: Season of the Witch" may be the most unfairly misjudged horror film of all time. The 1982 horror film is most known as the 'Halloween' film without Michael Myers. One wonders the reception it would've received if it were never marketed as a 'Halloween' film. Almost 40 years later...we have 2019's "Halloween Party," which is not about a Halloween party...well, it is, but not the kind of party you are thinking. College hunks and babes will be put in much peril and many will die horribly...and yes...this is the first movie ever about vagina spiders. Directed by Jay Dahl, if you listen closely, you will be able to hear the Silver Shamrock jingle in the back of your head.
Grace (Amy Groening) is a college student in Nova Scotia...and a babe. Her babe dorm neighbor Zoe (Marietta Laan) and her receive a computer meme featuring Halloween images and a question, "What is your greatest fear?" Zoe answers truthfully...vagina spiders. Zoe wants to show Grace what happens if you don't answer...a witch pops up threatening that you will die by your greatest fear. Later that night, Zoe dies horribly by her greatest fear. Now Grace is obsessed on finding out exactly what happened to Zoe and enlists the help of computer nerd Spencer (T. Thomason). The meme seems to attach itself to Grace's files and shows up on the computers of more students. Some die horribly within the hour.
Spencer realizes fast there is something weird about this meme. He and grace research the school and find that her dorm is built on the site of an old hospital for terminally ill children. More specifically, terminally ill children who were horribly disfigured, turned demonic, and died in a suicide pact after mastering computers. The dead children are back and they want something. Grace and Spencer realize their number is up and we wonder if we will see arachnids crawling out of Grace's...well, you know. Obnoxious frat boys will meet these boys and it will be quite grotesque. Uh oh...our duo think they know what the kids want and how to stop them...but do they?
So what exactly about vagina spiders is obsessing Grace? Will Spencer and Grace fall in love and if so will Spencer be able to...well, never mind. Are vagina spiders a metaphor for what the misogynistic Canadian culture desires to inflict on its women? This is a good one and the interplay between Spencer and Grace is magnificent. The chills are icky and the final scene is quite epic. For a surprisingly horrific and good film, see "Halloween Party."
Always suspected the Canadians were not quite right. Great one!!