Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Repligator, Gator-Babes in the Army

Made in 1996, this exploitation/scifi/horror film may be the best metaphor for what the U.S. military has devolved into. Hardly in any position to fight Houthis in Yemen, the Taliban in Afghanistan, or the Russians...the U.S. is officially in decline as a world power...speedily heading into the number three or four spot.  What we have in Brett McCormick's "Repligator" are sultry, big breasted bimbos that turn into alligator monsters.  Add in some zombies, ray guns, rampant nymphomania, and biting commentary and we may have the best film of 1996.

Dr. Oliver (Keith Kjornes) is trying to invent  a teleportation device with his spinster assistant, Dr. Hardy (TJ Myers). Hardy has a great big mole on her face which will forever prevent her from becoming a babe. On the other side of the lab, Dr. Fields (Randy Clower) is inventing a brainwashing device. Still, at another part of the lab, Dr. Goodbody (Brinke Stevens) is inventing a device in which one's thoughts can be seen on a video screen. is kind of like that Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercial when there is a collision, peanut butter mixes with chocolate, and the peanut butter cup is invented. Through much chaos and intrigue, the three inventions merge. The result? Grumpy men and women are turned into nymphomaniac babes seeking sex with Dr. Oliver and Dr. Fields. Through more silliness, Dr. Hardy is sent through the machine and emerges as a nymphomaniac babe (sans mole) bent on deviance with Dr. Oliver.

Uh oh...there is a side effect.  Whenever one of the newly made nympho-babes gets sexually excited, they turn into alligator monsters. Okay, perhaps this offers us a metaphor relevant on college campuses and the dating scene in modern day America. Now the babes, all clad in trashy lingerie, are hungering for sex one moment, and human flesh the next. What's worse, the spinster scientists don't really want to be turned back to their former selves.  Now the lab is infested with either nymphomaniac babes or monster alligators. Oliver and Fields will have to put their rivalry aside and figure out how to change everyone back...or if they should change everyone back to their former selves.

I was brief on the plot, but Gunnar Hansen will have a nice role in this film. Will Dr. Hardy in her new nymphomaniac self have pre-marital sex with the old, fat and balding Dr. Oliver? Will Dr. Fields' brainwashing invention be of use when these new nymphomaniacs overtake the lab?  Are vicious alligator monsters and nymphomaniac babes merely two sides of the same coin? For some utter silliness with poignant metaphor, see "Repligator."

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