Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Blood Covered Chocolate, Erotic and Bloody

Erotic! Oh yes!  You who know of Christine Nguyen realize why. Her performances are saturated with eroticism.  This eroticism takes the shapes of some unusual positions, sucking a lot of face, pre-marital and kinky sex, and an allure that is part of her DNA.  Not a fan of horror films, Ms. Nguyen has made some.  The one we will focus on today is an erotic vampire tale.  She'll be naked a lot and in the throes of passionate pre-marital sex.  Unfortunately for her character, she may be on the buffet line for some twisted blood suckers.  Our film today is 2022's "Blood Covered Chocolate," directed by Monte Light. 

So adorable...two vulnerable beings in love.  Tien (Nguyen) and Massimo (Michael Klug) are both recovering alcoholics and madly in love. They will show us some pre-marital sex until... Yep something happens. A dinner at Massimo's mother's (Debra Lamb) home does not go well. Massimo's stepdad, Crate (Joe Altieri) does not like Tien. Crate has a hold on Massimo and is trying to make him an enforcer/courier for his organized crime racket. Massimo's night will get worse when he's bitten by an apparent demon/vampire (Jamie Tran). Now Massimo begins changing into a vampire. To ease the transition, a sultry seductress/vampire, Sofia (Meghan Deanna Kingsley) moves in. She will provide him with sex and punishment.  Eventually she will teach Massimo everything he needs to know about becoming a vampire.

Sofia is a jealous sort and ends Massimo's relationship with Tien. Tien is sad but determined to find out why Masimo will have nothing to do with her. Slowly Massimo becomes one of those toothy fiends. He'll eventually kill and feed on other humans. Uh oh...Tien is going to push the issue and Massimo is getting hungrier.  Even worse for everyone in this film...alive and undead...Massimo is becoming quite the vicious monster.  His humanity seems to have left his body...and now...well, you'll see.  Oh, Tien is indeed on the way over for a heart to heart...Massimo waits eagerly.

Will Tien be able to draw on what's left of Massimo's humanity and survive to the end credits?  Is becoming a vampire the only fate left for the lovely Tien?  Just how vicious has Massimo become and what does this mean for the other vampires in his life? Bloody and erotic, Ms. Nguyen gives us the performance we expect from her, which makes this film a must see.  See "Blood Covered Chocolate" and have a Christine Nguyen film binge watch party some Friday night.   

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Specters, Archaeological Dig Goes Wrong

We have a true Giallo film today. Yep...the leading lady, not necessary to the plot, will be nude and in the throes of pre-marital sex passion a lot. Oh yes, less than 10 years after "Halloween," we have Donald Pleasance as the head archaeologist.  Yep, the weird synthesizer score...bad dubbing...Euro-babes in much peril...and square-jawed hunks, most of whom have no good ideas to fight evil. Today's feature is 1987's "Specters," directed by Marcello Avallone.

As our film begins, Alice (Trine Michelson), in a sultry red evening gown, runs through the woods only to meet the Creature from the Black Lagoon. She plants a nice wet one on his big lips. Yep...she's in a movie being filmed.  Relevant to the plot? No...but don't be a prude. Her hunk BF, Marcus (John R. Pepper) is Professor Lasky's (Pleasance) assistant. They have just untombed a...tomb! As Lasky says, evil is buried there and they let it out.  This won't bode well for anyone working on the dig...or those having pre-marital sex with people working on the dig...like Alice. She'll display a willingness and a spirit to have very deviant sex and Marcus will be better for it. Right!  Back to the movie. Lasky's rival, Gaspare (Riccardo Parisio Perrotti) is a pervert who likes sex with little boys. He tries to get into Lasky's pants...ick!

Okay, the demon is loose and begins killing members of the dig.  It uses its slimy and big reptilian hand to crush faces. Poor Barbara (Lavinia Grizi)!  She'll get it early on...but being sixth in the credits, we should not be surprised. Meanwhile, while not having deviant pre-marital sex, Alice yells at Marcus, and is terrorized by visions and dreams of the reptilian demon coming after her.  She won't even be safe in bed (though a woman like Alice probably thrives on peril between the sheets). Just saying. Okay, you get it. The demon will prove quite ominous, especially in bed, you'll see.

After sucking face with Alice, will the Creature from the Black Lagoon still long for Julie Adams? Will Donald Pleasance label the demon..."The Boogey Man"? Just what will the reptilian thing do to Alice in bed? It is Giallo!  Kind of like a more erotic form of Euro-Trash. A fun film awaits, so put on "Specters" today.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Chupa, The Chupacabra Attacks...Akron!

The feared goat-sucker of Mexico. We all feared it would migrate her to the U.S. Now it has, at least in today's film. Yep...the residents of Akron, Ohio have something else to worry about other than the odor of burnt rubber. Straight-to-VHS films of the 90s would eventually give way to straight-to-DVD films of the 2000s. Today we see one of the last straight-to-video classics, 2000's "Chupa," directed by Tom Hoover. One may ask why make a film about the Chupacabra when most people would rather see a Bigfoot film. Well, maybe Tom Hoover was into a pre-cursor of "inclusion" in highlighting marginalized cryptid communities.

The plot is a good one. Whether this film is...you decide. Outside of Akron a woman is shredded by the Chupacabra. Now the FBI is seeing an opportunity for a cover-up...imagine that. FBI scientist Simon Westlake (Jim Lee Johnson) gathers a failed marine captain, Roger (Peter Ferry) to lead a super secret mission into a Ohio national park to find the thing and capture it. Recruited into the group is cryptozoologist, the portly Dr. Seth Corralis (Russell Kunz). Babes? Angela (Tiffany Sandels), she's sixth in the credits...you know what that means. She'll have seduction and pre-marital sex scenes before being shredded. So sad. Oh, Gabriel (Jeffrey Lyn Hall). He's a psychic...or empath...yawn. This dweeb will fall in love with the group's anthropologist, Samantha (Mary Mahoney). 

A lot more members of the group will exist. The group? They'll yell at each other a lot, except for Angela. Angela will seduce, suck face, and engage in pre-marital sex. Roger will yell at Angela for her proclivity to engage in carnal acts. Then the monster approaches this group's compound...becomes a shape shifter, lures them out one by one, and shreds them. Our Marine leader, Roger, will yell at people some more. Uh oh! Is it a Chupacabra? Westlake, the FBI guy, apparently has not told the group or Roger everything. Seth gets suspicious and contacts SETI. Have you ever noticed in these films SETI is always totally clueless? Now as others try to get in on the action Angela promises, the monster interrupts one of her pre-marital sex sessions. Now its game-on!

Is it the Chupacabra that is terrorizing these woods outside of Akron?  Is this the best film ever made about the peoples, perils, and history of Akron? Before shredding her, will the Chupacabra do anything else to Angela? The creature in this film is amazing (EMBELLISHMENT, it is actually so lame it is funny). See "Chupa" and get your fill of straight-to-VHS films.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cold Blooded, Lizard Monster Needs Nubile Babes

Yeah, it shreds its victims. It also spits acidic slime at them...kind of like Kamala. But more importantly, it captures babes in the desert and breeds with them.  This film was originally released 10 years ago, but is now re-released with additional footage. With a cool monster (Dio Johnson), our film today is a metaphor for the disintegration of any integrity that is left in today's TV media. Today we look at "Cold Blooded," directed by Alexander T. Hwang.

Men and women have been disppearing in a certain section of the California desert for the past 25 years. As our film begins the lovely Sarah (Destiny Dawn Osmialowski) and her BF Alfonso (Noel Gugliemi) are shredded, or carried off in Sarah's case, by a monster. A news crew is sent into the desert to do a story on this latest, and all other, disappearances. Kelly (Darri Kristin) is the info-babe doing the story. Uh oh...catfight alert, she is replaced by an info-babe who is sleeping with the boss, Brittney (Ashley Forte). Now Kelly gets to be Brittney's gopher. Blake (Raymond Vinsik Williams) is the cameraman and Kelly's BF. Charles (Omari Washington), the intern is also along. The crew finds body parts and end up at the dilapidated ranch of hermit Herman (Gabriel Lane). He's a hoot. As they try to get info out of the hermit, a teaching assistant and her three students are shredded by the creature nearby. Actually, the TA Sandy (Jami McCoy) and her female student are...hauled away.

Brittney and Kelly are incapable of getting along.  Charles and Blake eagerly await the catfight. The creature eats his way toward Herman's acre.  Meanwhile we get to see the creature and it is a good one. An unconventional lizard minster, no doubt, but its proclivity to spit an acidic green ooze at its victims is such a beautiful thing to see.  We'll stop the plot description here.  What happens next is something Roger Corman and Max Gunssler would be proud of.

Will any of the sultry info-babes survive to the end credits?  Will any of the hauled away babes give birth to a new generation of lizard monsters? I know, this question has been asked by us many times in the last few days.  Finally, why when grotesque monsters are pitted up against news crews from TV stations do we cheer for the monsters?  The news this summer is grotesque and silly...which makes "Cold Blooded" a perfect film to accompany today's headlines.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Axeman at Cutter's Creek 2, Everyone Shredded

Okay, by way of confession...I made a booboo. Apparently this is a sequel to "Axeman: Overkill." I was under the impression it was the sequel to another movie. But wait!  It kind  of is! My mistake is not a major one. More importantly, even as a stand alone film, this is a goodie. The kills, numbering in the dozens, it seems, are all gory and quite imaginative. See someone's balls pulled out his throat! Yes! See a herpes ridden skank deputy as the protagonist! Really! A character driven drama in which Monique Parent turns in a stellar performance, as usual, as the only voice of reason.  Today we look at 2023's "Axeman at Cutter's Creek 2," a film made by Joston Theney.

All right...here's the plot...kind of. We'll focus on the best grouping of characters in film history more than a chronological telling of plot devices. Deputy Darlene (Arielle Brachfeld) is banging some hunk until her mom puts an end to it. The lingerie and herpes clad skank of a policewoman is not happy at being interrupted. Also opening this film are a bunch of religious nuts. Of note here is the babe Irma Jean (Ari Hader), who is plotting the murder of her husband (David Gusts) and blaming it on a psycho axeman. Oh yes, a group of thieves looking for money headed by a transvestite psycho named Bird (Christine Madeleine Partamian) and her crew. Her crew? Yep, psycho bitch Shank (Linda S. Wong), Asian babe who has never lost a fight and a half dozen more psychos. Oh, Bird's GF, Sunshine (Jacqui Holland), a bride of Satan who loves to satisfy herself in human blood. I could go on and on...but you are probably confusing this film, by my description, with Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility."

Oh! The axemen! Right!  Two of them (Michael Wayne Foster and Bryan E. Clark II). They murdered a bunch of nubile babes and hunks in the first films. They even murdered some hot lesbian lovers (Whitney Nielsen and Kailena Mai). These two dead lesbian babes...they're back! You'll see. Thanks to Marla (Parent) we are let in on exactly what is going on here. What is going on? Small town secrets that should stay secret, really. Machetes, chainsaws, fists, razors, axes, and guns will murder so many in the most colorful ways.  We cheer for Marla...gotta love a mom who is a ton more seductive than her daughter. Okay...no more. Wait...one more thing!  Catfights!  The best catfights in any film of the 21st century!

Will Monique Parent survive to the end credits...or will anyone, for that matter? What axe to grind is possessed by the axemen as they axe and shred nubile babes, hunks, and weird beings of alternate lifestyles? Will Shank, the hot Asian babe, end up losing a fight for the first time? See "Axeman at Cutter's Creek 2" as I endeavor to go find the first film in this series.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Ouija Shark 2, Wizards, Demons, Shark, and a Gator, Oh My!

Many of you will find today's film the worst you have ever seen. The more enlightened of you will find this one as the most fun film of the decade. Think of this film as a Polonia Brothers effort on steroids. Not a Polonia Brothers film, 2022's "Ouija Shark 2" (aka "Ouija Shark vs. Tarot Gator") is the work of John Migliore. Cities will be crushed, nubile bikini babes will be eaten (by sharks), and magic will rule the day. Oh, the gator? Yep...the introduction of Tarot Gator! Did I mention that there will be bikini babes being eaten (by a shark)? Well, this will happen a lot.

Whatever mess happened in "Ouija Shark" is not quite done. Do you need to see the original to appreciate this one? Please! Though very loyal to the book, this story was meant for the big screen. Anthony (John Migliore), a wizard, has been sucked into Hell where ape demons beset him. These buggers are actually very cute. In Hell, Caldura (Simon Wheeldon), the demon who controls Ouija Shark, is determined to decimate him. Back on the surface, Anthony's ex, Cressida (Deborah Jayne Reilly Smith), is an amateur witch bent on rescuing him from Hell. She'll enlist the help of young witch Illyana (Kylie Gough), and her necromancer mom (Lena Montecalvo). She'll need all the magic and spells she can collect. Oh, in Hell, Caldura has collected several bikini babes to be constantly eaten (by the shark). They will also perform a musical number rivalling the glitz of a Las Vegas stage act. 

Okay, Anthony has his Tarot cards with him. With them he accidentally conjures up his spirit animal, Tarot Gator. As the Ouija shark pursues him, spitting out fireballs, the fight breaks out of Hell into a big city. Now Anthony, Cressida, Illyana, and the necromancer will fight Caldura with fireballs. At the same time, Ouija Shark will battle Tarot Gator and skyscrapers will be crushed as these two monsters fight. Heartwarming at times, many of you will confuse this film with 1996's "The English Patient." Fear not, the ending will be quite different.

Will Anthony and his magical gang defeat Caldura the demon and send him back to Hell?  Will Tarot Gator prevail against Ouija Shark and save what is left of the big city? Is this the film Stanley Kubrick wanted to make in "Barry Lyndon," but for budgetary constraints? Fun and liberating, "Ouija Shark 2" is a film that demanded to be made and now you can see it in free streaming.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Last Chainsaw Massacre, A Possessed Chainsaw

Yep, the Polonia Brothers have made a movie about a chainsaw. Nope...not "Amityville Chainsaw," but that one is probably on its way. In the magnum opus of the lovely Jamie Morgan, we have 2024's "The Last Chainsaw Massacre," directed by Mark Polonia. Yep...a camping in the woods story. A possession story. An urban legend story. Most of all...a chainsaw story with gore and the supernatural. To see this movie on the new free streaming service, Fawesome, click on this link. Chainsaw on Fawesome

Five buddies head into the Pennsylvania woods for a weekend of camping. Rose (Morgan) and her BF Kenny (Justin Gordon) are sweet. They'll smooch by the campfire, later. Also along are Roy (Cody Losinger) and his GF Dane (Greta Volkova). Oh, a fifth wheel, the lovely Penny (Marie DeLorenzo)...can you guess what happens to this proverbial fifth wheel? Uh oh...back in '86 Ripper Jack terrorized these woods with his chainsaw chopping up half the townsfolk. He's a legend still. Supposedly dead, Ripper Jack's body was never found. A creepy gas station clerk (Michael Korotitsch) warns the campers to beware...the campers scoff at this. Uh oh, before entering the woods, Kenny buys a chainsaw to cut firewood at a used hardware store...see what's coming?

Ripper Jack is indeed in the woods and lurking. Is it him though...or his spirit? Kenny is the first to be possessed. He revs up the chainsaw and Ripper Jack's spirit enters his body. He' won't be the last and now Kenny will act as Ripper Jack guides him. This won't be good news for Penny...as she will lose her head. Now all the campers are in peril. More possessions and more chainsaw murders will occur. Finally, Mr. Martin (Jeff Kirkendall) enters the plot. He's been waiting for Ripper Jack's return for decades. This guy's son was murdered by Ripper Jack back in '86. His plan to combat Ripper Jack is not a good one.

Will any of the campers survive the wrath of Ripper Jack's spirit? Will Rose be able to jolt Ripper Jack's spirit out of her BF Kenny?  Is this film the one Tobe Hooper wanted to make but for the Hollywood censors of the early 1970s? Jamie Morgan is terrific as is the rest of the cast. For a classic themed slasher film, paying homage to one of the greatest franchises (no, not the Amityville one), see "The Last Chainsaw Massacre."   

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dogs of Hell, Those Mangy Mutts on the Warpath

Dogs! Ick! Man's best friends. Come on. To you dog lovers...try some human contact and get out of your mother's basement.  Live life...meet a girl...maybe kiss her...and leave the animal world behind. Many cultures eat those things...you want to sleep with them. Sure...put an animal in your bed. How brilliant is that? They crap all over the place. They bark at things that shouldn't be barked at. They demand all their bowel movements be supervised by you. Today we look at a 1983 film directed by Worth Keeter, "Dogs of Hell" (aka "Rottweiler 3D").

A secret army experiment gets out of hand. The same army that seems allergic to winning a war has bred Rottweilers to replace the soldier on the battlefield. Head scientist, Fletcher (Bill Gribble), warns the army that these dogs have become evil and are more dangerous than originally thought. After the transport that is moving the dogs crashes, the dogs are loose in a resort town. The town, Lake Lure, has a sheriff named Hank. A low energy guy with a big gun. The Rottweilers will strike right away.  The first victims are some nubile and frisky models at a campsite in the woods.  The babes will be shredded. Now we meet Denny (Robert Bloodworth) and his babe wife, Kim (Kathy Hasty). They run the local watering hole. This is significant because they put on female mud wrestling matches in their establishment. Nothing to do with the plot, but who will object to gratuitous mud wrestling.

Okay, the dogs keep shredding townsfolk. Fletcher arrives and tells Hank that he'd like to capture the dogs alive. The dogs seem to prefer babes...very sad. Hank is not of the same mindset and will have the opportunity to blow the buggers away...but there are a ,lot of little buggers. More attacks. Just like the killer whale in the Richard Harris film "Orca," these mangy bastards begin burning down the town. Don't ask.  Uh oh...the babe bar wench, Kim, is now in  mortal danger as the dogs chase her and Denny to the roof. Don't ask. Now Hank realizes his number one enemy is Fletcher, not the dogs. Fortunately, the sheriff keeps blowing away the fury demons. Will he have enough bullets?

Just how does a Rottweiler burn down a town? Would people in America's marginalized communities still be starving if we decided to eat the dogs instead of sleeping with them? If the army can't even use a missile system in combat correctly, can we trust them to use animals? Cheesy and campy, this 3D movie is a lot of fun. Though MST3K never picked up on it, you can play Joel and the robots when you and friends watch "Dogs of Hell."


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bull Shark 2, A Toothy Lake Menace

A couple of years ago Russia invaded The Ukraine and this blog reacted by reviewing "Bull Shark." Two years later we can call that shark film very prescient as Russia has destroyed The Ukrainian army and embarrassed NATO. Today we take a look at "Bull Shark 2," directed by Brett Bentman. Incredibly faithful to the book, this film is just as likable. Absent from this film are two annoying female characters; the wife of the game warden and the coroner with the eating disorder.

It's back!  The bull shark. Two babes (Aedin Waldorf and Isabella Olivas) and their annoying hunk friend (Dylan Boehm) are eaten when they go swimming in a Texas lake. Now, one of the babe's mother wants the game warden responsible for killing the first bull shark, Spencer (Thom Hallum), to find her daughter's remains. I know...grieving can take many a weird form. The problem, the hunt for the first one drove him into alcoholism. Now he is unemployed and refusing to go into the water. His buddy, the redneck who was responsible for putting bull sharks into the lake, and new game warden, Nolan (Billy Blair) begs him to clean himself up and go hunt for the shark. Of course, the mayor (Chad Ridgely) and sheriff (Tom Zombred) deny there is a shark in the lake as the tourist season is about to begin.

Spencer relents and shelves the alcohol, for the most part. Now he grabs some chum and his buddy Nolan and goes hunting. He'll yell at the mayor and sheriff about the safety of the swimmers (the film "Jaws" will steal this scene), and yell at Nolan.  His plan?  A bad one.  In fact it is really stupid, kind of like NATO's military strategy. Winging it, him and Nolan find the creature...or, I should say, the shark finds them. Armed with a syringe filled with a drug that combats depression, Spencer seems outmatched as he enters the lake again.

Will Nolan and Spencer be able to kill the shark?  Will there be anymore babes in bikinis, or were they all eaten in the opening scene? Was the release of the film timed for the 75th anniversary of NATO in order to be a metaphor for that organization's ineffectiveness and stupidity?  See "Bull Shark 2" as Shark Week comes to an end on Discovery and sink your teeth into a gritty and realistic fish tale. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Bunnyman Massacre, Nubile Babe Campers Shredded

Total depravity? Perhaps. No redeeming qualities? Well, that depends. If you are a guy in a poolhall who has just been dumped by your GF...or a guy taken to the cleaners in a divorce...or a citizen of one of these weak European countries watching your civilization being ruined by a female president...then, maybe this film will serve to cheer you up. Today we look at "The Bunnyman Massacre," directed by Carl Lindbergh.  Alas, the fairer sex will not fare well. One can't help thinking how gleeful New Zealand was when they threw out their demented female president.

We shouldn't be pulling for them, but there we are. Okay, Joe (David Scott) runs a general store in a quasi-ghost town. His halfwit and horribly deformed brother wears a bunny suit. As the film begins, Bunnyman invades a school bus filled with children and chainsaws most of them. He'll traipse along the countryside committing more massacres including two babe campers and their hunk BF. Seems they were engaging in pre-marital sex. Joe happens across four nubile hikers. Okay, this is sad. Jamie Bernadette is one of this blog's favorite actresses. She'll only last a minute as Bunnyman machetes her. Well, Bunnyman and Joe abduct Sarah (Julianna Dowler), who just lost her mom and dad, her her bestie Lauren (Jennifer June Rose).

Getting deeper into depravity, Joe forces Sarah to do the ungodly and perhaps join the ranks of the depraved.  Sarah does it well, but it is all to save Lauren.  Sarah enters a pact with the devil, or Joe and Bunnyman, and a whole slew of babe hikers will die horribly because of it. As the beautiful fall, Sarah and Lauren see an opportunity to flee.  Alas, Joe and Bunnyman are smarter than them and expert trackers. What happens next revs up the depravity level and unless you are one of the aforementioned groups of men, this won't be the feel good film of the 21st century.

Will Sarah and Lauren survive with their sanity and all their limbs?  Is killing off Jamie Bernadette in such a brutal and rapid manner a good way to get the film audience on your side? Is this film a metaphor of what Red State America has planned for Blue State America? I'm told this is a sequel and I must say...now I want to see the other one. For hardcore horror fans only, and recent divorced men, see "The Bunnyman Massacre."  

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Jurassic Triangle, Dinosaurs and a Big Crab-Man Monster in the Bahamas

 Okay, today we have another film that won't get much love. Pity! It is actually better than most of those "Jurassic Park" idiocies. Realistic? About as realistic as "Jurassic Park," except without annoying kids. This one is from England where Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak just destroyed the entire country. Sadly, Keir Starmer has taken over there and promises to destroy it even more. Even sadder, Prince Charles is now King Charles...egads! So, when a major British corporation needs to do a team building weekend, they take choppers to the Bahamas. Right...don't ask. Today we look at "Jurassic Triangle," directed by Victor De Almeida. 

Two choppers fly into the Bahamas and get sucked into a vortex to the Bermuda Triangle. Happens. Just before that some British commandos, that have lost every battle and war ever since Prince Harry played soldier in the army, there, were eaten by dinosaurs. Sadly Danielle Scott was one of them. There will be more British commandos, but they'll all be eaten. Of more relevance to our plot, Cpt. Rawson (Rob Kirtley) and Jenny (Dorothea Jones) are two inept pilots and crash land on an island. Philipa (Chrissie Wunna) is the sultry boss and we cheer for her because she has great big...eyelashes. Now the team building exercise is marooned on an island in the Bermuda Triangle infested with dinosaurs, weird gigantic bugs, and a swarm of these crab-man-scorpion monsters.  These things are actually quite cool and spit stuff on you that makes you blow up, just like the current Labour Party.

Beth (Sian Altman) loves PTSD-ridden Drew (Darrell Griggs). Her former lover, a failed-alcoholic doctor, Isaac (Toby Redpath) is also along on this trip. She can really pick them, kind of like the British voters. A few more are stranded with them. The team will not bond or build, but get eaten. The weird giant spiders, giant scorpions, pterodactyls, and a  T-Rex will hunt them. Uh oh...Drew thinks he's been there before. Uh oh, Cpt. Rawson has a motive for crashing them on the other side of this vortex. Uh oh...a big crab-man thing develops a liking for Philipa (not that we won't). Beth will yell at her current and former boyfriend, Jenny will fall in love with a cast member who will be sucked dry by a big bug, and Rawson will confess something horrible. Perhaps this film will serve as a metaphor for what Labour has in mind for England's future.

Will the lovely Chrissie Wunna survive the crush the monster has on her?  Will Beth's bad taste in men lead to her ruination?  Just what secret does Rawson harbor?  Oh...the ending?  Superb, and probably a metaphor for what England will face after Johnson, Truss, Sunak, and now Starmer did and does to them. See "Jurassic Triangle," an English film that will prove quite prescient.    

Monday, July 8, 2024

Count Dracula's Great Love, Euro-Babes Catfight for Dracula

Okay, cleavage and catfights! Euro-trash can't get any better. Babes in negligees catfighting. Cleavage shoved at us with reckless abandon. Vamps putting damsels in bondage and whipping them. Nubile babes and vamps feeling each other up. Negligees ripped off and bacchanal passion resulting.  We have one from Spain today, and yes Paul Naschy is Count Dracula. He'll have  quite a performance as he'll have to feel up and lick some sultry Euro-babes. Yes there will also be ugly guy vampires, but in 1973's "Count Dracula's Great Love," directed by Javier Aguirre, negligee clad or nude damsels with impressive cleavage are in great peril from toothy menaces. 

Imre (Victor Barrera), a useless guy, loves Marlene (Ingrid Garbo) and her cleavage. Too bad he's useless...he'll be offed by a minor league vampire. Also in a broken down stagecoach are nubile babes, all with impressive cleavage, Elke (Mirta Miller), Karen (Haydee Politoff), and Senta (Rosanna Yanni). Lucky for these peeps, with the stage unrepairable, a closed down sanitorium is nearby. Uh oh...Count Dracula, going as Dr. Marlowe, welcomes the ill-fated travelers. He offers them all accommodation. Dracula appears to be a lucky man. He needs a virgin to sacrifice over the corpse of his long dead daughter in order to resurrect her. Dracula's big question...are any of these nubile cleavage babes virgins? He goes through them all...or should I say, puts them each through an evaluation period. 

Senta and him seem to have the most passionate pre-marital sex...but we could all have told Dracula Senta is no virgin. Still, her performance was staggering. Okay, Karen emerges. With no use for Senta, Elke, and Marlene, the three non-virgin babes are turned into vamps in entirely different ways. These three beauties will roam the countryside stringing up nubile virgins, whipping them, and drinking their blood. Karen on the other hand falls in love with Dracula and he with her. This complicates matters as Dracula had planned on draining all her blood into his daughter's corpse. Now Dracula must protect Karen from her now undead buddies and convince her to submit willingly to become a vampire. Fat chance. Or is it?

Will Karen be able to keep her womanhood or be drained of her blood by the trio of vamps in negligees?  Will Dracula completely abandon his plans to resurrect his daughter? Are make-out sessions by babe vamps either nude or in negligees a plot device that needs to return as America begins to abandon wokeness? Nudity, gore, cleavage, and catfights highlight this Gothic, Euro-trash film. See "Count Dracula's Great Love" and stay up to date on negligee fashions from Europe.      

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Boogey Man, The Evil in the Mirror

One of the first slasher type films of the 1980s comes to us from Jerry Gross. Jerry Gross Productions gave us so many fantastic horror films, like "Zombie." Gross would gross us out with gore, slashings, cannibalism, and dismemberments. Kind of a metaphor for the Biden Administration. At about the same time "Blood Beach" came out and before "The Burning," a slasher-hall-of-fame entry was released. 1980's "The Boogey Man." This began a years long run of a slasher film or two hitting major theaters every week. Today we look at this film directed by Ulli Lommel.

Lacey and Willy (Suzanna Love and Nicholas Love), now adults, are still traumatized by a childhood horror. Instead of submitting to torture by his mom's evil boyfriend, Willy grabs a knife and stabs the guy to death as he boinks his mom. The two now live at their Aunt Helen's (Felicite Morgan) farm. The horror made Willy mute and Lacey still has awful nightmares. Jake (Ron James), a very useless sort, is now Lacey's husband and is determined to rid her of these nightmares. He'll consult a psychologist (John Carradine) and both agree Lacey must be brought back to the house the evil occurred and shown nothing lingers from that day 20 years ago.  This won't go well.  Seems a mirror captured all that evil and the ghost of the murdered evil boyfriend still exists in it. Lacey breaks the mirror in horror, thus releasing the spirit of the dead boyfriend.

The mirror shards reflect the evil and possess its victims.  Two babes that live in the house now will murder themselves as they are possessed. Jake cleans up the mirror from the floor and brings it back home. Home? Yep, its the Amityville house!  Now shards of the mirrors glass get strewn throughout the farm and cause nubile babes and their hunk boyfriends to die in gory fashion. A knife impaled kiss by two amorous teens making out is my favorite kill, You'll see. Pitchforks, scissors, knives, and the supernatural will kill so many as no one believes Lacey that the evil of 20 years ago has returned. A bloody exorcism beckons as the evil force attempts to possess Lacey into murdering her own family.  

Will Lacey be able to free herself of the evil spread by the cursed mirror shards?  Will hunk Jake ever get a brain and figure out something helpful? Will the Amityville house blow up like it does in so many sequels?  The death count is high, as is the gore level. For one of the silliest, most inane, and satisfying 80's horror films, see "The Boogey Man."   

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Maniac, Deadly Love

Another Hammer one today.  An early Hammer film.  Peter Cushing was supposed to be in it with George Sanders.  By the time the film got around to being made, the two acting greats were otherwise occupied. We have a good one with a shock ending.  Though when people speak with their hormones, happy endings are nowhere in sight.  Today we look at "Maniac," directed by Michael Carreras.  This one is from France.

Four years ago the lovely Annette (Liliane Brousse) gets off the school bus and is raped by pervert Janiello (Arnold Diamond).  Annette's dad gets there and grabs Janiello and hauls him back to his garage.  In the garage the dad takes the acetylene torch to Janiello, killing him. Dad is sentenced to a mental asylum. Four years later Annette works as a barmaid at her stepmom's inn. In walks the handsome Jeff (Kerwin Mathews).  He's immediately taken with the now 19 year-old babe.  So much so he dumps his present GF, the more appropriately aged Grace (Justine Lord).  Now Jeff decides to stay at the inn.  In comes the stepmom, Eve (Nadia Gray). She is not happy this older man is interested in her teen stepdaughter.  She would rather Jeff be interested in her.  She'll seduce him and the two will become lovers.

Now Jeff and Eve are smitten with sweaty passion.  Annette is jealous.  Uh oh...Eve is still married to an insaniac.  Here is where it gets good.  Giles (Jerold wells) will allow Jeff and Eve to go off together if they help bust him out of the asylum.  They do.  Making deals with the criminally insane rarely goes well.  Now Eve and Jeff quickly find out they are not rid of the acetylene torch murderer.  He's back and bodies start piling up. Now Eve once more makes a bargain with Giles.  She will give him his daughter Annette if he will go away and leave her and Jeff alone.  Again, making bargains with the criminally insane rarely goes well.  

Will the insane Giles allow Jeff to have his wife?  Will the nubile Annette be happy going away with her psycho dad?  Can't handsome Jeff find a woman with no psychos in her personal life?  Then the ending!  Shock and surprise will abound!  Experienced Hammer fans might figure it out, but will still enjoy this morality tale.  See "Maniac," and be grateful a psycho with an acetylene torch is not after you. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Area 51 Incident, Icky Creatures Invade

As the Tories and Rishi Sunak are on the verge of being stamped on and thrown out one wonders if they accomplished anything. Sure...war and dead Ukrainians will be their legacy. However, today's film posits that they brought Area 51 from Nevada to the U.K. As in many of these films...just go with it. In today's film we have some great creature f/x. A lot of creatures...maybe thousands. They'll explode out of party girls and army men and cause tremendous havoc. Yes, perhaps a metaphor for what the Tories inflicted on a once great nation. Today we look at 2022's "The Area 51 Incident," directed by Rhys Frake-Waterfield.

As stated above, Area 51 is in the English countryside. No...nowhere near Stonehenge. Next Trent (Scott Chambers) and babe Jenny (Megan Purvis) arrive for their first day of work after graduation. Doug (Toby Wynn-Davies) is the lead scientist and Trent's dad. Uh oh...there will be no learning curve. A portal to somewhere in the universe is all of a sudden very active. Yep...icky creatures, bug like things...giant ones, too...come over.  Thousands.  Now in this top secret facility, the bug things wipe out most of the army men and scientists. A handful of survivors run away and make it to an outdated bunker on the other side of the facility. Meanwhile, in just a few minutes, the monsters have eaten most of London.  I know...no great loss. Also arriving are two party girls dressed to the nines, Elaine (Sian Altman) and Helen (Heather Jackson). Oh yes, hunk Colt (Peter Jeffries), an army man, follows Elaine there. Oh! Helen is infected and will not remain beautiful.

Lt. Pete (Derek Miller) commands the bunker. They appear safe for the time being, but Helen will vomit creatures and have a giant worm-like one come out her mouth. Now the bunker is infested with these things. One by one hunks and babes get either eaten, infected, or ripped apart. Trent and Jenny are cute and are too nerdy to start a romance. Elaine is a babe in her sequins party dress and is on the run from the monsters which her buddy Helen vomited out. All seems hopeless for the survivors and for the U.K.. Again, a metaphor for what is going on in the U.K. as Labour has emerged as a total clone of the Tories.

Will Elaine the party girl survive the monster onslaught without having aliens explode out of her? Will Trent and Jenny at least kiss amidst the icky parasitic creatures? Is there hope for England beyond the Tories and Labour? Where is George Galloway when we need him? Perhaps being invaded by bug-creatures, infected by them, and vomiting them up is a fate, metaphorically of course, of us western nations being run by thugs bent on war and so-called Green Energy tyrants. See "The Area 51 Incident."