Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bull Shark 2, A Toothy Lake Menace

A couple of years ago Russia invaded The Ukraine and this blog reacted by reviewing "Bull Shark." Two years later we can call that shark film very prescient as Russia has destroyed The Ukrainian army and embarrassed NATO. Today we take a look at "Bull Shark 2," directed by Brett Bentman. Incredibly faithful to the book, this film is just as likable. Absent from this film are two annoying female characters; the wife of the game warden and the coroner with the eating disorder.

It's back!  The bull shark. Two babes (Aedin Waldorf and Isabella Olivas) and their annoying hunk friend (Dylan Boehm) are eaten when they go swimming in a Texas lake. Now, one of the babe's mother wants the game warden responsible for killing the first bull shark, Spencer (Thom Hallum), to find her daughter's remains. I know...grieving can take many a weird form. The problem, the hunt for the first one drove him into alcoholism. Now he is unemployed and refusing to go into the water. His buddy, the redneck who was responsible for putting bull sharks into the lake, and new game warden, Nolan (Billy Blair) begs him to clean himself up and go hunt for the shark. Of course, the mayor (Chad Ridgely) and sheriff (Tom Zombred) deny there is a shark in the lake as the tourist season is about to begin.

Spencer relents and shelves the alcohol, for the most part. Now he grabs some chum and his buddy Nolan and goes hunting. He'll yell at the mayor and sheriff about the safety of the swimmers (the film "Jaws" will steal this scene), and yell at Nolan.  His plan?  A bad one.  In fact it is really stupid, kind of like NATO's military strategy. Winging it, him and Nolan find the creature...or, I should say, the shark finds them. Armed with a syringe filled with a drug that combats depression, Spencer seems outmatched as he enters the lake again.

Will Nolan and Spencer be able to kill the shark?  Will there be anymore babes in bikinis, or were they all eaten in the opening scene? Was the release of the film timed for the 75th anniversary of NATO in order to be a metaphor for that organization's ineffectiveness and stupidity?  See "Bull Shark 2" as Shark Week comes to an end on Discovery and sink your teeth into a gritty and realistic fish tale. 

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