Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Sex Game, Social Media Influencers in Peril

Social Media Influencers in peril from cannibalistic mutants? I know...we'll be cheering for the mutants. Today we have a heartwarming tale of a hunk and babe social influencer...both idiots (probably Taylor Swift fans).  Even worse than these two "influencers" are the millions that watch and follow them. Although, they do have a nice shtick. These two ingrates accept challenges for money to go to certain places and engage in deviant and passionate pre-marital sex...on camera! Today we look at 2023's "Sex Game," directed by Luca Zanlorenzi.

Our nympho-duo is in Italy. We like her, Rachel (Alice Doyle). She wears a leather corset, go-go boots, and fishnets.  Her miniskirt gives Ryan (Riccardo Fusero), a dweeb, easy access, shall we say? They are completing challenges all over Italy. Next up is to screw in a house of royalty. Uh oh...its closed for tourists.  Next challenge, a haunted or mysterious setting with a creepy or homicidal past. Lucky for them a small ghost town in the Italian Alps is only a half hour away. See, back in the 1970s there was an environmental disaster there. A nuclear plant blew up and all the residents turned into cannibalistic mutants.  Quarantine ensued, and the place is off limits, still.

Rachel and Ryan, despite being warned by the creepy gondola operator, go to the top of the mountain and find the town.  There doesn't appear to be anyone there.  They'll screw in the tent on their first evening up the mountain. The plan is to screw in the town the next morning.  Uh oh...they are not alone. They'll complete the challenge but no cell service prevents anyone from seeing it. Now the cannibalistic mutants are after them. The fiends have already murdered scientists in containment suits.  These hideous beings plan on eating our dynamic duo.  Now our influencers are on the run, and of course Rachel is not dressed for running.

With her go-go boots, mini-skirt, leather corset, and fishnets, is Rachel at risk of completing the challenge with someone (or something) other than Ryan?  If they eat Rachel, exactly what do we mean by "eating"?  Might Rachel be used as a birthing vessel for future mutants?  Perhaps a metaphor of what insane environmental policies in the EU may cause.  The more pertinent metaphor is what most of the world thinks of the youngsters in the EU and their shotty morals and narcissism. Go mutants!  For a fun warning to all you social media influencers, see "Sex Game." 

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