Saturday, June 22, 2024

Stupid Games, They'll Swallow Your Soul

Women are smarter than men. Fact. However, what happens when smart people hang out with people that are stupid? Right!  They become stupid. Where is this all going? Today we have an age old story about the girls against the boys.  Sure, the girls should win.  Does anyone ever wonder why this is rarely the case? Today we have a tale of seductresses and hunks.  What  happens when they get together? Often times, the predicted outcome never occurs. Add pentagrams, Satan, take-out, and lust and we have 2024's "Stupid Games," directed by Nicolas Wendl and Dani Abraham. BTW, this film is on the free streaming service Mometu (get the app or see them on X @freemometu). Or on YouTube ON YOUTUBE (just click on this link).

The aforementioned babes, or seductresses, are Riley (Cass Huckabay), Celeste (Alyssa Tortomasi), and Mia (Ashwini Ganpule). They invite three hunks over for dinner, take-out, and a game night. Arriving are hunk Jaxon (Saad Rolando), Rex (Gage Robinson), and nerd Stanley (Grant Terzakis). The gals seem fawning and expecting of eventual pre-marital sex.  The guys are excited. Awkwardness sets in as Celeste went ghost on Jaxon and now has called him. Stanley is happy to get any gal he can. Riley, all seduction all the time, keys in on Rex. So far so good? Nope. Dinner does not go so well and before it is over the six are playing Quest For Truth, a board game. It starts off okay...truths are confessed to and tasks are completed.  Then the board takes charge.

The gals seem uneasy and when the guys behave like guys and break things the gals panic.  The true order of things has been interrupted and the seductresses are now terrified at the game. Soon the guys realize the game their playing may be demonic. Whatever force is controlling this game it is not happy with the rules being bent or disobedience. The consequences? Blood and'll see. The smarter the boys get the more doomed everyone appears.  The stakes are ultimate and the devil is expecting his due. Where does this all go?  Perhaps the same place the awkward dating scene in America has already gone. You'll see.

"Stupid Games" revs up from a level of inanity and seduction to pure evil and bloody carnage.  Nicolas Wendl handles this escalation masterfully. Will any of the six emerge a winner of this game?  What will happen to the losers? Though the fairer sex is more intelligent, is their capacity for evil also increased? Watch "Stupid Games" and realize there is no chance of success when seeking pre-marital sex and a good meal. 

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