Monday, July 8, 2024

Count Dracula's Great Love, Euro-Babes Catfight for Dracula

Okay, cleavage and catfights! Euro-trash can't get any better. Babes in negligees catfighting. Cleavage shoved at us with reckless abandon. Vamps putting damsels in bondage and whipping them. Nubile babes and vamps feeling each other up. Negligees ripped off and bacchanal passion resulting.  We have one from Spain today, and yes Paul Naschy is Count Dracula. He'll have  quite a performance as he'll have to feel up and lick some sultry Euro-babes. Yes there will also be ugly guy vampires, but in 1973's "Count Dracula's Great Love," directed by Javier Aguirre, negligee clad or nude damsels with impressive cleavage are in great peril from toothy menaces. 

Imre (Victor Barrera), a useless guy, loves Marlene (Ingrid Garbo) and her cleavage. Too bad he's useless...he'll be offed by a minor league vampire. Also in a broken down stagecoach are nubile babes, all with impressive cleavage, Elke (Mirta Miller), Karen (Haydee Politoff), and Senta (Rosanna Yanni). Lucky for these peeps, with the stage unrepairable, a closed down sanitorium is nearby. Uh oh...Count Dracula, going as Dr. Marlowe, welcomes the ill-fated travelers. He offers them all accommodation. Dracula appears to be a lucky man. He needs a virgin to sacrifice over the corpse of his long dead daughter in order to resurrect her. Dracula's big question...are any of these nubile cleavage babes virgins? He goes through them all...or should I say, puts them each through an evaluation period. 

Senta and him seem to have the most passionate pre-marital sex...but we could all have told Dracula Senta is no virgin. Still, her performance was staggering. Okay, Karen emerges. With no use for Senta, Elke, and Marlene, the three non-virgin babes are turned into vamps in entirely different ways. These three beauties will roam the countryside stringing up nubile virgins, whipping them, and drinking their blood. Karen on the other hand falls in love with Dracula and he with her. This complicates matters as Dracula had planned on draining all her blood into his daughter's corpse. Now Dracula must protect Karen from her now undead buddies and convince her to submit willingly to become a vampire. Fat chance. Or is it?

Will Karen be able to keep her womanhood or be drained of her blood by the trio of vamps in negligees?  Will Dracula completely abandon his plans to resurrect his daughter? Are make-out sessions by babe vamps either nude or in negligees a plot device that needs to return as America begins to abandon wokeness? Nudity, gore, cleavage, and catfights highlight this Gothic, Euro-trash film. See "Count Dracula's Great Love" and stay up to date on negligee fashions from Europe.      

Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Boogey Man, The Evil in the Mirror

One of the first slasher type films of the 1980s comes to us from Jerry Gross. Jerry Gross Productions gave us so many fantastic horror films, like "Zombie." Gross would gross us out with gore, slashings, cannibalism, and dismemberments. Kind of a metaphor for the Biden Administration. At about the same time "Blood Beach" came out and before "The Burning," a slasher-hall-of-fame entry was released. 1980's "The Boogey Man." This began a years long run of a slasher film or two hitting major theaters every week. Today we look at this film directed by Ulli Lommel.

Lacey and Willy (Suzanna Love and Nicholas Love), now adults, are still traumatized by a childhood horror. Instead of submitting to torture by his mom's evil boyfriend, Willy grabs a knife and stabs the guy to death as he boinks his mom. The two now live at their Aunt Helen's (Felicite Morgan) farm. The horror made Willy mute and Lacey still has awful nightmares. Jake (Ron James), a very useless sort, is now Lacey's husband and is determined to rid her of these nightmares. He'll consult a psychologist (John Carradine) and both agree Lacey must be brought back to the house the evil occurred and shown nothing lingers from that day 20 years ago.  This won't go well.  Seems a mirror captured all that evil and the ghost of the murdered evil boyfriend still exists in it. Lacey breaks the mirror in horror, thus releasing the spirit of the dead boyfriend.

The mirror shards reflect the evil and possess its victims.  Two babes that live in the house now will murder themselves as they are possessed. Jake cleans up the mirror from the floor and brings it back home. Home? Yep, its the Amityville house!  Now shards of the mirrors glass get strewn throughout the farm and cause nubile babes and their hunk boyfriends to die in gory fashion. A knife impaled kiss by two amorous teens making out is my favorite kill, You'll see. Pitchforks, scissors, knives, and the supernatural will kill so many as no one believes Lacey that the evil of 20 years ago has returned. A bloody exorcism beckons as the evil force attempts to possess Lacey into murdering her own family.  

Will Lacey be able to free herself of the evil spread by the cursed mirror shards?  Will hunk Jake ever get a brain and figure out something helpful? Will the Amityville house blow up like it does in so many sequels?  The death count is high, as is the gore level. For one of the silliest, most inane, and satisfying 80's horror films, see "The Boogey Man."   

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Maniac, Deadly Love

Another Hammer one today.  An early Hammer film.  Peter Cushing was supposed to be in it with George Sanders.  By the time the film got around to being made, the two acting greats were otherwise occupied. We have a good one with a shock ending.  Though when people speak with their hormones, happy endings are nowhere in sight.  Today we look at "Maniac," directed by Michael Carreras.  This one is from France.

Four years ago the lovely Annette (Liliane Brousse) gets off the school bus and is raped by pervert Janiello (Arnold Diamond).  Annette's dad gets there and grabs Janiello and hauls him back to his garage.  In the garage the dad takes the acetylene torch to Janiello, killing him. Dad is sentenced to a mental asylum. Four years later Annette works as a barmaid at her stepmom's inn. In walks the handsome Jeff (Kerwin Mathews).  He's immediately taken with the now 19 year-old babe.  So much so he dumps his present GF, the more appropriately aged Grace (Justine Lord).  Now Jeff decides to stay at the inn.  In comes the stepmom, Eve (Nadia Gray). She is not happy this older man is interested in her teen stepdaughter.  She would rather Jeff be interested in her.  She'll seduce him and the two will become lovers.

Now Jeff and Eve are smitten with sweaty passion.  Annette is jealous.  Uh oh...Eve is still married to an insaniac.  Here is where it gets good.  Giles (Jerold wells) will allow Jeff and Eve to go off together if they help bust him out of the asylum.  They do.  Making deals with the criminally insane rarely goes well.  Now Eve and Jeff quickly find out they are not rid of the acetylene torch murderer.  He's back and bodies start piling up. Now Eve once more makes a bargain with Giles.  She will give him his daughter Annette if he will go away and leave her and Jeff alone.  Again, making bargains with the criminally insane rarely goes well.  

Will the insane Giles allow Jeff to have his wife?  Will the nubile Annette be happy going away with her psycho dad?  Can't handsome Jeff find a woman with no psychos in her personal life?  Then the ending!  Shock and surprise will abound!  Experienced Hammer fans might figure it out, but will still enjoy this morality tale.  See "Maniac," and be grateful a psycho with an acetylene torch is not after you. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Area 51 Incident, Icky Creatures Invade

As the Tories and Rishi Sunak are on the verge of being stamped on and thrown out one wonders if they accomplished anything. Sure...war and dead Ukrainians will be their legacy. However, today's film posits that they brought Area 51 from Nevada to the U.K. As in many of these films...just go with it. In today's film we have some great creature f/x. A lot of creatures...maybe thousands. They'll explode out of party girls and army men and cause tremendous havoc. Yes, perhaps a metaphor for what the Tories inflicted on a once great nation. Today we look at 2022's "The Area 51 Incident," directed by Rhys Frake-Waterfield.

As stated above, Area 51 is in the English countryside. No...nowhere near Stonehenge. Next Trent (Scott Chambers) and babe Jenny (Megan Purvis) arrive for their first day of work after graduation. Doug (Toby Wynn-Davies) is the lead scientist and Trent's dad. Uh oh...there will be no learning curve. A portal to somewhere in the universe is all of a sudden very active. Yep...icky creatures, bug like things...giant ones, too...come over.  Thousands.  Now in this top secret facility, the bug things wipe out most of the army men and scientists. A handful of survivors run away and make it to an outdated bunker on the other side of the facility. Meanwhile, in just a few minutes, the monsters have eaten most of London.  I great loss. Also arriving are two party girls dressed to the nines, Elaine (Sian Altman) and Helen (Heather Jackson). Oh yes, hunk Colt (Peter Jeffries), an army man, follows Elaine there. Oh! Helen is infected and will not remain beautiful.

Lt. Pete (Derek Miller) commands the bunker. They appear safe for the time being, but Helen will vomit creatures and have a giant worm-like one come out her mouth. Now the bunker is infested with these things. One by one hunks and babes get either eaten, infected, or ripped apart. Trent and Jenny are cute and are too nerdy to start a romance. Elaine is a babe in her sequins party dress and is on the run from the monsters which her buddy Helen vomited out. All seems hopeless for the survivors and for the U.K.. Again, a metaphor for what is going on in the U.K. as Labour has emerged as a total clone of the Tories.

Will Elaine the party girl survive the monster onslaught without having aliens explode out of her? Will Trent and Jenny at least kiss amidst the icky parasitic creatures? Is there hope for England beyond the Tories and Labour? Where is George Galloway when we need him? Perhaps being invaded by bug-creatures, infected by them, and vomiting them up is a fate, metaphorically of course, of us western nations being run by thugs bent on war and so-called Green Energy tyrants. See "The Area 51 Incident."